Chapter 19 - Everyone Loves Dinah

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Dinah walked into the apartment carrying a small white paper bag. Camila looked up from the couch, clearly relieved to see her.

"Hey, I didn't want to bother you," Camila said, "But I was starting to get a little worried."

"I'm fine," Dinah said, walking to the sofa and handing Camila the bag. Camila looked a little confused as she took the bag and opened it, peering inside.

"A chocolate éclair!" Camila said happily, "You went to The Grind?"

"I went with Normani and Ruby," Dinah said, "I couldn't leave without getting you something."

"You're the best," Camila said, hopping up and sticking the bag in the refrigerator, "I'll keep it for after dinner."  She walked back to the couch and plopped down next to Dinah.

"Let's order pizza," Dinah said, grabbing the laptop.

"Whatever you want," Camila answered.

"Hawaiian?" Dinah asked, grinning.

"Oh, okay, sure," Camila said, trying not to grimace.

"I'm just kidding," Dinah said, nudging Camila with her shoulder, "I know you hate pineapple on pizza."

"I could pick it off," Camila offered sincerely.

"Mila, you're being sweet but let's get something we both like," Dinah said, sending in their usual order then setting the laptop back on the table. When she glanced up, she noticed Camila looking at her.

"What?" Dinah asked.

"DJ, I've been thinking about you all day," Camila said softly.

"I'm going to be okay," Dinah assured her, "I need a little time to deal with this."

"I know, but it's not just about yesterday," Camila said, sighing, "All this time you've been worrying about me and taking care of me – I never thought about how hard it's been for you.  I don't know if I can ever make up for it."

"It's not about making up for anything, Mila," Dinah said, leaning closer and draping her arm over Camila's shoulder.  "As bad as yesterday was, it doesn't even compare to the day you got into the accident. Thinking you were going to die – that was the worst moment of my life. I couldn't bear losing you, Mila. Helping you get back on your feet – I'm not gonna lie, you can be very frustrating..."

Camila chuckled and Dinah pulled her in tighter, "But, I'm thankful every day I get to help you. I still have you and that's all that matters."

"You know I'm here for whatever you need, right," Camila said, seriously.

"I know," Dinah said.

They sat quietly for a few moments then Camila spoke.

"So, you and Normani?" Camila asked, leading Dinah to tell her about their day.

"I went over there and told her the whole story," Dinah said, "She brought me to her room and gave me some pajamas and snuggled up with me and we slept for nearly three hours."

"You just slept?" Camila asked, chuckling, "That's a first for you."

"Shut up," Dinah said, giggling.

"It's sweet, actually," Camila said, softly.

"By the time we woke up Ruby was on her way home from school," Dinah said, "so when she got back, we went and got some snacks and coffee."

"You really like her," Camila said, looking at Dinah.

"I do," Dinah said, her voice low, "I've never really believed in love at first sight, but I've only known her for a little over a week and I'm having feelings I've never had before."

By Sun and Candlelight / CAMRENWhere stories live. Discover now