Chapter 11

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Jade snuck around the corner, rushing back to the Room of Requirement to tell Harry that some members of the Inquisitorial Squad - Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle - were patrolling. As she got to the corridor, she saw a familiar face leaving rather quickly. "Have you seen -" She broke off as Ron pushed passed her without a second glance.

With her small build, Jade almost tumbled over at the slight hit. An arm reached out and steadied her - Emma had rushed out after Ron. With a quick apologetic smile, she began to run in the direction Ron had stalked off to. "Ron! Ron wait!"

Jade glanced back, again wondering what had caused the two to fight again. She had originally wondered if they were a couple before being informed they were just friends. But she couldn't help but think, slightly amused, That looks like a lovers' quarrel. Shaking her head, she found the Room of Requirement door. "Harry?" she called as she pushed it open. "Are you still here?"

When her eyes scanned the space, she felt her heart stop suddenly at a sight she didn't want to process. She blinked as Cho and Harry pulled apart, Cho smiling smally through a tear-stained face. Jade sucked in a hitched breath. Harry, apparently hearing the intake of air, snapped his head around to meet her paralyzed gaze. "Jade." She couldn't register the emotion in his voice - she was too busy trying to get her body to move. "I can -"

Jade found her feet again before he could finish his sentence. Stumbling back first, she turned on her heel and ran, all thoughts of the Inquisitorial Squad forgotten. She ran down the corridor with her face in her hands, so she couldn't see as she slammed into another figure. The figure grabbed her arms and balanced her. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered through silent tears as she looked up.

"It's okay, J."

Jade's lip quivered as she stared up at Draco, feeling crushed inside but not wanting to cry in front of him. She turned away from him, but his hand shot out and gently brought her face back towards his. She saw his eyes grow wide when he saw her wet cheeks. "Who did it?"

She sniffled. "What?"

"Who made you cry? Who do I have to beat up?"

Jade managed a snort. "You sound like you're my older brother."

He grimaced. "What happened? Do you...want to talk about it?"

She shook her head, focusing on the ground. And then Draco did the oddest thing - he opened up his arms. His face was weary and full of doubt; he expected Jade to tell him off. And so did she...

So it came as a surprise to both when she threw herself at him, her arms wrapping around his waist. Because he was tall and she was so short, her head rested on his chest as she sobbed. She felt warm as she stayed like that, crying into Draco's robes as his arms wrapped around her back and held her close. And suddenly, she was only aware of the position they were in, and her tears stopped abruptly.

She looked up to him, not knowing why it felt so hard to breathe. "Thank you."

He shrugged, holding out a handkerchief which she used to dry the tear tracks on her face. Draco pointed up, a small smirk creeping on his lips. She glanced at the ceiling and felt her mouth get dry. They were at the end of the hall, and someone had hung a small plant from a hook. "Mistletoe," Draco chuckled. "I wonder who put it -"

Jade hadn't seen just the misteltoe, she had seen someone else rounding the corner. And in a flash, she lifted herself up on tippy toes and planted an eager kiss on Draco's unexpecting lips. He kissed her back immediately, looking a little disappointed when she pulled away. "Thanks," she said breathlessly. "Gotta go."

"Thanks?" she heard him echo.

She wasn't thinking if Draco, however. She was thinking of what Harry's narrowed eyes had meant when he saw her kiss him.

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