Chapter 12

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"Why don't you wear this tonight?"

Jade looked up from her closet to where her mother held a dress in her hands. It was tight and black underneath had a second sheer see-through layer that was loose and a green tint. It was beautiful, so she was conflicted with snatching the cloth or continuing to give her mother the silent treatment. Mrs. Baem was forcing Jade and Jessica to go to the Malfoy's Christmas Eve Ball - and Irene was not to come. In her mother's words (or lies) she was 'too young'.

With an aggravated groan, she grabbed the dress and turned back to her friend. "I'm gonna try this on, Sica. Feel free to raid my closet for anything you need."

Jessica smiled in understanding and Jade left the room to enter Irene's. She began changing as her sister waited to give her opinion on the ensemble. As she yanked up the zipper, Jade asked, "Are you sure you don't want to go? If you do, I'll convince Mom."

Irene shook her head, coming up pull at the dress. "Really, J, its fine. I don't particularly want to spend the night with the Malfoys."

Jade grimaced. "You and me both."

Irene turned Jade so that she was facing her mirror. "It fits you perfectly. And I have the perfect shoes to go with it!" She came back with cute little black heels that had bows on the toes.

Jade rolled her eyes as she stepped into them. "These are mine."

"I borrowed them."

Jade kissed her little sister's cheek. "Alright. Well I'll make sure to come back and drink hot cocoa by the tree with you tonight."

Jade and Jessica entered Malfoy Manor behind Mrs. Baem, their expressions weary and extremely reluctant. The mansion was, of course, beautifully decorated; there were red ribbons strung from the ceiling, lights strung on the staircases, and several Christmas trees glowing to perfection in any empty space. They were greeted by the host and hostess themselves, though their son wasn't to be seen. "Seggie!" Narcissa Malfoy exclaimed, pulling Mrs. Baem into a firm but warm hug.

Jade raised a brow. She had been surprised enough to find out - after years of silence even though they were neighbors - that her mother was childhood friends with the Malfoys, Narcissa in particular. But to see Mrs. Malfoy call Mrs Baem - her first name Segreto - Seggie was another matter.

"Cissy," Mrs. Baem flashed a set of pearly whites.

Narcissa switched her gaze to Jade. "Oh, Jade! Its been so long!"

Jade smiled out of curtousy even though she was sure she had only seen Mrs. Malfoy from a distance. "Hello, Mrs. Malfoy."

"Wow, I can't believe I haven't seen you since your first birthday!" Narcissa continued. She gave Jade an appreciative look. "You're beautiful - you look just like Seggie did in school."

"Don't keep our guests, Narcissa," Mr. Malfoy cut in. "Segreto, why don't you head on down to the dining room?"

"Thank you, Lucius. Talk to you later, Cissy?"

Mrs. Malfoy grinned. "You're seated just next to me. And Jade - I sat you and your little friend next to Draco. I've heard a lot of stories about you from my son."

Jade tried not to show too much disdain. She didn't like the idea of Draco telling stories about her. She was dragging her feet, so Jessica pulled on her hand and let her to the dinner table. She gritted her teeth when he finally made his appearance - she could clearly see Draco's blonde head near the head of the table, as well as her name on the chair across from his.

She sat down, looking at the head of the table since the kids were at the end. Lucius sat at the head seat, with Narcissa on his left and Segreto next to her. Looking to Mr. Malfoy's right, Jade almost wanted to rub her eyes to make sure she was seeing clearly. Professor Snape was there, wearing his usual dark frown. There were many new faces, but Jade vaguely recognized Crabbe and Goyle's parents - and the two meatheads sat on either side of Draco.

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