Chapter 15

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Jade threw on her robe, flicking her long black hair out from underneath it. She grabbed her bag and turned to Jessica, who was tying up her shoes. "Sica, you ready?"

They left the girls' dorm together, and made their way through the empty common room. Well, almost empty. Draco stood in the middle of the room, eyeing them closely. Just from his expression she could tell he wanted to talk. Jade brushed her hand across Jessica's back. "Why don't you go on ahead? I'll catch up."

Jessica looked between her and Draco before nodding hesitantly. Jade pivoted. "Yes, Draco?" she said lowly.

In just a few strides, he was standing before her. "You've been avoiding me," he whispered. "You have no idea how hard it is for me to see you with him." He leaned down, his neck outstretched.

Jade put her hand on his chest, pushing him away from her. She now drew the line on kissing - though she was easily toying with Malfoy, she didn't feel right about kissing him after the first time. It felt like cheating on Harry, though she didn't have real feelings for Draco. "Draco," she chastised.


"You know I'm not looking for a relationship," Jade replied.

"Is that why you're avoiding me?" Draco demanded. "Why did you kiss me? Do you actually like Potter?"

Jade sighed. "We've been over this. Its just work." Her hand ran up his chest, her nails teasing the flesh under his white button up. "I'm attracted to you, Draco. But I can't have any distractions right now."

"So I distract you?" His signature smirk crept up again.

Jade let her lips curve up slightly and batted her eyelashes. "Of course. All the time." She lifted herself up onto her toes so that she could whisper in his ear. "Just be patient."

And with that, she left the dungeons.


Jade walked into the courtyard, seeing her friends at a bench up ahead. It was uncharacteristically warm for early March, so her sweater, skirt, and thigh-high socks were enough to keep her content. She skipped across the dry grass, her bright smile matching Harry's as he looked up and saw her. She plopped down on his lap and pecked his cheek giving a cheery, "Good afternoon!" to her Gryffindor friends.

"You're in a good mood," Hermione commented, briefly looking up from her homework.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Jade wondered, wrapping an arm around Harry's neck.

"Not sure. You have a reason?"

Jade blinked, looking down at Emma. Her friend's eyes were seemingly clouded over, hiding any emotion underneath. "No," she said slowly
"It was a rhetorical question."

"I know," Emma agreed nonchalantly. "I was just joking."

Ron handed Emma half of his grapefruit and Jade looked away again. "Hey," she tapped Harry's chest, "Can I tag along to quidditch practice tonight?"

"Of course."

"That reminds me." Jade couldn't help but feel wary at the tone of Emma's voice. "Why couldn't you go on Tuesday?"

Jade's eyes widened a little as she searched around in her mind for an excuse. The four Gryffindors had headed off to watch the quidditch practice and Jade had politely declined. That night, she had gone to Snape's classroom, using magic to break in and search through his things. Malfoy had put the idea into her mind - not on purpose, of course.

She had tried to get Draco to spill about whatever was going on with their families, since he now knew she was on his side. He'd refused, telling her she was obviously being left in the dark for a reason, and that she should just wait. "Being invited to the party was the first step, I think," he'd said.

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