Chapter 13

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"Its still so cold," Jessica said with a shiver, hugging her black cardigan closer to her body.

Jade nodded, her green sweater and black scarf not stopping the chill. "Why don't we get something warm to drink?"

Jessica nodded and so Jade looked at the little buildings lining the sidewalk. She pointed to the first establishment she saw, a tea room called Madam Puddifoot's. Just through the windows Jade could see the pink and extravagant decorations - she sighed, but what else could you expect on Valentine's Day?

They walked in, and Jessica suggested Jade grab a table while she got the drinks. "What do you want?"

"Anything hot is fine."

She left, and Jade awkwardly shuffled through the little tables that seated couples, all lovey dovey for the special date. She spotted two empty seats in the back corner, but something else in her line of vision caught her attention. In three tables all close to each other, Jade recognized six classmates. She was particularly confused to see Emma with Zacharias Smith and Ron with Lavender Brown. She didn't, however, have time to ponder that situation when her eyes fell on the last couple. Harry...and Cho Chang.

She froze and stared for a second, feeling her throat close up. She should have expected this, after Christmas. But for some reason...she still hoped...Shaking her head, Jade abandoned her table searching quest and made her way back to Jessica. Her friend was just receiving their tea, and Jade looked up at the server. "Could we actually get these to go?"

Jessica gave her a questioning look, and Jade just motioned to the area they're peers occupied. Jessica's eyes grew sad as she seemingly saw Harry and Cho. "Let's go."

As the worker took back their tea to switch cups, someone else joined the line. "Want to sit together?"

Jade pursed her lips. "Sometimes I think you might actually stalk me, Malfoy."

Draco was grinning when she turned to face him. "Is that a no?"

"We're not staying."

Draco's expression got even more gleeful. "Why? Because Potter's here with the Ravenclaw?"

Jade blanched. "None of your business."

"That's a yes. Want to make him jealous again?"

Jade narrowed her eyes. "Draco -"

Draco grabbed her wrists, making it impossible to move (or escape). He kissed her, forceful, but still somehow managing to be gentle. Jade wondered if she would have tried to pull away if he hadn't trapped her. She didn't think about it for long - Draco had been ripped apart from her. Even if she hadn't seen it, she could tell by the way his tight grasp was broken as he was pushed back. She blinked, not sure if she was processing the jet black head of her savior.

Harry had thrown Draco to the floor, and he stood over him, grabbing his collar. "I told you not to drag her around anymore." His fist collided with Draco's smirking face. A few of the girls in the tea room squeeled at seeing the scuffle, and many guests cleared out in a matter of seconds.

Draco wasn't taking a beating. He threw Harry off of him, throwing his own blow to Harry's abdomen. "Stop!" Jade found herself skrieking. "Stop fighting!"

They weren't listening. Knocking over tables and chairs, the fight was just becoming more and more heated and the owner was screaming for order. Jade frantically turned to the other boys for help, but was met with Zacharias Smith hiding behind Lavender Brown and Ron - having apparently pushed her out of the way - checking to make sure Emma was not hurt. Jessica just stood wide eyed by the counter.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Jade and Emma's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now