[8] Not A Joke: Part Two

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"Sometimes it's not the tears
That shows my pain,
But the fake smile on my face,
Which helps me to explain."

What if fake smiles is all you have? What if your true side hides behind a pretty face? Would you create a beautiful smile made of lies, or would you finally shed something true, not fake?


I woke up and I knew it was going to be a bad day.

Well, what's today?

Some of you would probably say Monday, but no. It's Sunday.

And you might be wondering what's so bad on a Sunday?

Well, it's also July 7.

What's wrong with July 7, you may ask.

July 7 is a holiday Kinkajou made up three years ago, all about being happy. Rules? Well, you can't roll your eyes, can't be sarcastic, can't be rude; you always have to say yes, you have to dress bright colors, you have to show a lot of positive energy, you have to have manners, and you can't be gone from the group for more than 10 minutes at a time.

So, yeah, bad day. Especially for Glory, who only drags around negative energy most of the time. But Deathbringer sees this as an opportunity.

He loves this day. He sees it as a way to flirt with Glory nonstop. I honestly felt bad for Glory because she wouldn't be able to escape him at all today. I also felt bad for Winter and Icy. They're both too cold.

No pun intended.

So I had no choice but to be all... girly. Kinkajou takes this day very seriously. She had a mental breakdown last time I sassed her on this day. We live, we learn, right?

So, today, I'm wearing a dark pink crop top (that I totally look hot in) and baggy sweatpants. I went to Tsunami's place and we did our makeup together. She was basically wearing the exact same thing I was wearing, just baby-blue edition. Also, now that Riptide and Peach were staying here the next couple of days, Tsunami ditched me to go explain the tradition to them.

So I met up early at Quakers, the coffee shop we're all due to be at at 7:00 AM sharp. It's currently 6:45. I helped myself to cappuccino because being up at this time on a Sunday should be illegal. Literally.

I sat down at one of the coffee tables, just drinking coffee and scrolling through social media.

Ostrich had recently been furious at Glory and me, but she won't tell me why. Though, I think I'm well aware of her situation. We had to end her birthday party early, due to inexplainable events. I was going to make it up to her, though. After all, she's technically my daughter.

Lost on my phone, I was jolted out of my train of thoughts by a waiter coming up to me holding a small notepad.

"Can I get anything else for you, ma'am?" he asked, and when I looked up, I saw who it was. Someone I might know and am terrified of. Yet, my instant reaction was a warm smile.

"No, thanks," I said sweetly. A level of sweetness that could kill somebody. The waiter stared down at me for a long moment. Long enough that awkwardness was flying proudly in the air. I finally spoke up. "Are you just... going to stare at me?"

He finally cleared his throat and looked back at his note pad. "We actually have a new drink up called Earth-Quakers. Wouldn't you like to try it?" I opened my mouth to refuse, but he just very rudely interrupted me.

"Of course you want to. Let me go get it for you. You can even have it for free, if you want."

"I don't," I said kindly, but he was already walking away. I knew I should probably get up and leave, but it's almost time for the others to start showing up, and I don't want to be late, or else I'll get Kinkajou's definition of "punishment."

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