4 ~ Sweetheart

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Eddie barged in as if nothing happened.

Dustin is on the verge of tears...

"Wow, nice house dude." Eddie complimented, eyeing Steve up and down.

Eddie smiled at both of them.

"Good thing I didn't run right, 'cause now I'm cooler than I ever was," Eddie responded as his grin faded.

"How are you here?" Dustin asked, his voice cracked at the thought of him dying in his arms.

"Well, I can't tell you my secrets now can I?" Eddie grinned a devilish grin.

Steve was still in shock at how he was there.

But, he wasn't the Eddie they remembered. This one isn't afraid or scared. He's confident and different.

Steve got Dustin and backed away cause he was too terrified to face Eddie.

"Are you afraid of me sweetheart? Oh, come on...I'm still the same person you guys knew." Eddie confirmed as he gestured.

He walked closer to them but, they backed up.

"I-i would never hurt you guys. You gotta know that." Eddie revealed with sad eyes.

He was trying so hard not to cry.

Steve looked at Dustin and carefully walked up to Eddie.

Dustin didn't question he just stood there in silence, shock, and surprise.

He touched his face. Steve was too stunned to even speak.

Steve started lightly crying while tightly hugging Eddie.

"How are you even here?" Steves' voice broke.

Eddie hugged him back, trying to hold the urge to kill him.

Eddie had a price to pay to get back to them but, he wasn't gonna let that stop him.

Eddie let go of him and held his face like he wanted to say something unspoken.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that...all I can tell you is that I'm supposed to bring the one you call Will to him." Eddie looked down, sadness spread across his face.

"Wait, Vecna is still alive?" Dustin interfered.

Eddie choked on his words cause he wasn't supposed to even be there.

"I-i gotta go." Eddie released himself from Steve.

"No." Steve grabbed his wrist refusing to let go.

"If you are supposed to get Will, you are gonna have to fight us all...I don't want to hurt you Eddie but, if you try to hurt any of us, I will kill you myself." Steve confronted him, he held back every tear that wanted to stream down his face.

"Well, so be it," Eddie confirmed, the red in his eyes glowed brighter...then he vanished into thin air.

Steve knew Eddie was really sad to be doing this, he didn't want to hurt us.

Steve finally released a tear, Dustin went over to him and hugged him.

At this point, they wanted to keep this between just them...and not worry anyone about this.

It was honestly for the best.

Familiar Feelings//STEDDIEWhere stories live. Discover now