5 ~ Mind

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"S-sorry, I didn't realize my time was short...and I don't know where Will is." Eddie stuttered an apology.

"I don't want an apology and an excuse, I WANT RESULTS!!" Vecna yelled in frustration.

Eddie knew not to ask questions, deep down he was still Eddie...but he had to be Kas.

All in his mind is what Steve said and the way they looked at him with fear. He didn't want this, all he wanted was a way back to them.

He held in his tears, turned his back to Vecna, and remarked, "I will go back and not make the same mistake."

Vecna was sure he wouldn't make the same mistake again cause if he does, he knows he would be tortured for eternity.

Eddie vanished into thin air once again, this time he wouldn't get distracted.


"Steve would you stop pacing so I could think of something," Dustin announced.

"Sorry, I uh...I can't believe he's alive...but what does he want from Will?" Steve questioned, he looked at Dustin awaiting an answer.

Dustin thought of one.

"Well, it makes sense...Will was the first one to disappear. It starts with Will it ends with Will." Dustin confirmed.

"Well, we need to get to him somehow," Steve replied in a serious tone.

"Steve as much as I want to protect and warn them...we have no way to get to Cali...plus they are in hiding. If they don't want to be a part of this, it's their choice." Dustin replied, his arms crossed with honesty in his eyes.

"Yeah, well they don't have much of a choice if Vecna is still alive and if Will is in danger. Cause if Will is in danger we're all in danger. By the way, this is a secret between just us. We leave to go to Cali now." Steve demanded.

Dustin and Steve packed supplies.

Dustin was scared to keep this shit a secret.

Deep down it was eating Steve up too.

When they were about to leave, they opened the door and Erica was standing there in shock.

"Uh...Erica..haha...what are you doing here?" Steve confusedly asked, hoping she didn't see or hear anything.

"Not long." She lied looking down at the ground.

"She's lying, she probably heard everything," Dustin announced looking toward Steve.

Steve glared at Dustin then Erica.

"Okay, Erica how much of that did you hear?" Steve calmly asked.

"Everything," Erica revealed.

Steve and Dustin looked at each other.

"Okay, Erica you need to keep this a secret okay," Steve whispered.

"I will, but what is it in for me?" Erica crossed her arms with attitude.

"You get to live, okay?" Steve seriously announced.

Erica unfolded her arms and admired Steves' scared look. She knows when Steve is that serious he means that all hell might break loose.

"Okay, I understand but I'm coming with you," Erica remarked.

Steve didn't want to put her in danger, but they probably were gonna need more hands in case everything goes to shit.

As Dustin went into the passenger seat, Steve gestured his hand.

Erica smiled and then quickly walked over to the back of the car.

Most of Scoops Troop is back together for hopefully a final mission.

It was going to be odd since Robin isn't there, but they could manage.

Or at least try to...

Familiar Feelings//STEDDIEWhere stories live. Discover now