9 ~ Trance

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Everyone was gathered in the living room.

"Why are you here exactly and after my son!" Joyce yelled, frustration bleeding through her.

Eddie looked at her in silence.

"Eddie. Can you please tell us what happened to you and why you're really here?" Dustin calmy interfered.

Eddie looked at Dustin and remember their moments together. Eddie didn't want to feel that. It hurt him cause if he hurts any of Dustins' friends he is hurting him. Eddie hated the fact he became this.

A tear fell. He looked away cause he didn't want to show how much pain he was in.

Dustin backed away in pain.

"Looks like he has a heart after all," Will announced.

Steve knew Eddie didn't want to do this. But, Steve got an idea.

"Eddie. You don't have to answer our questions, I just want you to help us defeat Vecna. Once and for all. Can you do that for us? I-i know you don't want to hurt us." Steves' eyes were melting Eddie.

"I would, but if we do...it could be risky. I just want all of this to be over." Eddie broke down, his powers kicked in, and untied his hands.

Eddie didn't stand up, he just kept crying and he hated feeling weak and beneath everyone. It was the worst pain to endure.

"Wait, are we actually going to trust him?" Joyce wondered.

"Yes, we are. If he tries to pull any funny business, I promise to protect all of you with my life." Steve admitted.

Eddie stopped crying almost instantly and got up off the chair and grabbed Steves' wrist.

He pulled Steve closer and whispered in his ear.

"I would never hurt you, sweetheart."

Steve and Eddie locked eyes. An unspoken force between them was unreal.

Steve didn't respond, he just smiled. His eyes were craving Eddies', he cared so much for him. He didn't even know why.

Eddie released his grip and Steve looked at them.

"You guys probably forgot I was here, but I overheard everything. I got to ask, how the heck are we going to defeat this slug-looking unbirthed catapillar?" Erica spoke up while looking over the stair railing.

Steve was trying to think of something yet, nothing came to mind.

"This would be so much easier if someone smarter was here. I'm no leader." Steves' thoughts battled with each other.

"Steve?" A muffled voice appeared but, it felt as if Steves' heartbeat were in his ears.

He was unable to hear anything, he was stuck in a trance. Once again...anxiety and fear washed over him like an unstoppable wave.

Kinnie Steve moment.

And I will update Hidden Feelings as soon as I can. I am rereading it so I can make sure everything matches up. BTW I'm an idiot, but in the beginning when Mike and El were there. They were but went back to Cali.

Familiar Feelings//STEDDIEWhere stories live. Discover now