10 ~ Fine

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"Hey, Steve are you okay?" Eddies' voice is muffled, Steve was stuck in this trance. He needed to think. Yet, so many thoughts were intertwined with each other making his mind spiral again.

"Maybe he needs to sit down?" Dustin suggested looking at Eddie.

Eddie was concerned, he looked at Steve.

Eddie wore this face too damn often. He knew what Steve was feeling.

"Hey, Steve!" Eddie shook him out of his thoughts.

Steve looked at Eddie in a panicky way.

"Hey, are you okay?" Eddie asked concerningly.

Steve cleared his throat and lied through his teeth, "Yeah, ha I'm fine...guess I was lost in my thoughts...but we should write down a plan so we don't forget it."

Eddie knew he was lying but let it slide.

Dustin knew Steve was battling with stuff yet, never questioned it cause he knows Steve doesn't like speaking about his feelings. Dustin felt utterly useless at times.

They all went to the kitchen and started writing down a plan.

Joyce was talking about weapons, battle strategies, etc)

Dustin sat next to Steve while Eddie stood near Steve holding onto the chair with his right hand.

Steve felt hot all of the sudden. Like the sun dropped right near him.

He looked at Eddie for a second and felt so flustered. It's like his breath got stolen.

"I should be focusing on a way to defeat this bastard but, instead I'm drooling over a guy..." Steve admitted in his mind.

When he said that, even in his mind. He was blinded by the thought. His mind was saying it's wrong, you shouldn't be feeling this.

Yet, his heart says the opposite. Steve didn't know why he felt like this, especially for Eddie 'The Freak' Munson.

Steve tried to push away the thought. In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

Everyone got up and was ready to get started on the plan. Steve was confused on what was going on.

"Steve come on," Dustin announced, his hands doing a signal gesture.

"Henderson why don't you go with them? We will catch up, okay." Eddie interfered.

Dustin didn't want to leave without them but, he did. He feels guilty, but he thought he shouldn't because Eddie said to go.

Dustin pushed away his thoughts that made him "weak" and focused on what is important.

Eddie then pulled up a chair and looked at Steve.

"What's up? For real." He asked, his eyes were bleeding with curiosity and worry.

Steve fake smiled, got up, and replied, "Dude, I'm fine...okay. Why are you so worried about me? We have to go kill a crazy psycho."

Eddie got up and grabbed Steves' wrist.

"Harrington, I know you aren't okay. Please let me help you." Eddie begged.

Steves' heart started to flutter just by feeling Eddies' touch and staring at him.

"I-...Munson, we have other things to worry about. I'm not the main priority. Now, will you drop it?" Steve announced, he held back his tears. His voice broke mid-sentence.

Eddie let go of his wrist. Steve looked at his wrist and winced.

Eddie hurt him by accident. He didn't know he had that much strength.

"I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Eddie regretted it, he found a bandage in his pocket and frantically wrapped it around his wrist.

Steve faintly smiled. He hasn't smiled a real smile in so long.

"Haha, Munson. It's okay. It barely hurts." Steve laughed and gently touched Eddies' hand in reassurance.

Eddie looked at him, he loves his smile, his laugh...just him.

Eddie didn't feel this much love for a person. Only his uncle, who was barely around.

Eddie and Steve unimaginably fell for each other.

And to think it all started with Steve hitting him with an oar and Eddie holding up a broken glass bottle up to his throat.

Here is some Steddie!! I'm procrastinating on my other Steddie fanfic, I have just been relaxing. I hope you enjoyed this chapter my little batlings <33

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