8 ~ Leaving

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"Steve?" Dustin looked over to see if he was alright.

Steve got out of his trance and stared at Dustin. He doesn't know what to say. He didn't have a plan. His mind was racing. Rising fear began in him. Hands shaky. Unable to breathe.

"I-uh...need some air." Steve went outside and just stood there. Trying so hard not to cry.

His heart was in need to save Eddie but, his mind is so confused. And wondering how the hell he was going to save him and why he is feeling what he's feeling.

"Hey, Steve are you okay?" Dustin opened the door and walked next to him.

"No. Henderson. I don't know how I'm feeling." He answered with a broken tone.

Dustin looked down unable to make eye contact.

Steve sat down on the porch and Dustin did the same thing.

For 2 minutes it was silence then Dustin spoke up.

"You know when Eddie was dying in my arms and I told you guys. I-i know you all are going through your own shit, but it seemed like you didn't even care he was gone. I died that day too. A-and No one noticed or cared, so I put on a tough look for all of you. Because Eddie told me to look out for you guys, so I did..yet none of you looked out for me. I'm not trying to make it about me, but I felt so alone. Then, seeing Eddie alive but he isn't himself..broke me even more cause I missed him yet it didn't look like he missed me...Once again I feel alone...but I'm trying to struggle through all that cause we need to be strong for Eddie..our Eddie. We need to save him cause I can't lose him again." Dustin confessed with a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

Steve was speechless, he didn't know Dustin felt like that. He felt like complete shit. So, he grabbed Dustin by the shoulder and pulled him in for a hug.

"Henderson. You are not alone, okay. Not anymore...a-and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He replied while rubbing his back with reassurance.

They didn't say anything, after that moment they both got up and went back inside. Eddie is still unconscious. He has a pulse, but not really..if that makes sense.

It was silent for a while till Joyce yelled, "Dinners ready!"

Dustin and the boys went to eat but, Steve stayed there.

"Hey, Steve you aren't gonna eat?" Joyce questioned.

"Uh, I'll eat later. Thank you though." He said through a forced smile.

Joyce smiled and went back into the kitchen.

He looked back at Eddie. He just admired him.

He had his leather jacket on and his hellfire shirt. Steve smiled at the thought of those moments they had.

Steve started to whisper, "Look, Eddie..I know I don't know you that much man, but when I got to know some of you..you are an amazing person and I won't let anything happen to you. I am not leaving you again. I want to save you...I just don't know how."

Steve looked down in disbelief he had so much more to say to him, but it wasn't the time.

Eddie quietly started to wake up and Steve stood up in fear.

"W-what happened?" Eddie questioned while looking around.


"Look, Eddie, I'm sorry we had to tie you up. You left us no choice." Steve announced sitting down in front of Eddie.

"Haha, looks like you actually care about me...I didn't expect that from King Steve." Eddie scoffed.

"Of course, I care...I just want to know...why did you do it? You could've saved you and Dustin but, you didn't. You left Dustin alone...he put on a brave face for you...and you left him." Steves' voice broke again.

Eddie looked down in sorrow.

"I just wanted to save you guys...I didn't want this to happen, but it was the only way to get back to you and Dustin." Eddie replied, he was looking away from Steve.

He doesn't want to see his face right now, it just causes more pain.

"And you're one to talk. I bet when I wasn't there, you weren't there for Dustin either. So, stop being such a hypocrite." Eddie finally made eye contact with Steve.

Eddies' eyes were blood red. That didn't scare Steve though. What scared Steve is that Eddie wasn't himself. He is a complete dick.

Steve got up and scoffed.

"What? Are you upset cause I'm right?" Eddie questioned in a cocky tone.

Steve was so upset he grabbed onto the chair Eddie was sitting at and stared at him dead in the eyes.

"What Stevie? Cat got your tongue?" Eddie announced with a huge grin, showing off his vampire teeth.

"Go to hell, Munson." Steve threatened with anger and sadness in him.

"I've already been there," Eddie whispered, he began to grin at Steve.

He let go of the chair and walked to the kitchen to tell them he was awake.

Haha, some tension between these two...hehe..this is a little gay...hehe

Familiar Feelings//STEDDIEWhere stories live. Discover now