6 ~ Monster

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"Erica shut up!" Dustin argued.

Erica and Dustin started bickering..again. Steve was fed up, so he stopped the car and looked at both of them.

"If you both don't shut up I will ditch you guys and you'll have to find a way back home." Steve sternly announced.

They were quiet the rest of the trip, but Steve was more scared of what Eddie might do...He doesn't know him much, so what is to be expected?

He started driving a little faster so he could make it on time to warn them.

He regrets not telling the others...but he knew he was protecting them.

"Wait, Steve...remember when I told you Kas betrays Vecna?" Dustin reminded.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, since Eddie is Kas now, won't he betray him?" Dustin thought.

"Henderson, this isn't a game. It's real life, okay?" Steve responded, his hands were held tight on the wheel and his eyes were glossed over with worry.

"Um, everything we've been through comes from D&D...I hate to say it but, Dustin is right about this one. This could come true just like in the game." Erica spoke up.

Steve listened but, ignored her. All he wanted to do was find Eddie. He can't let another person get hurt.

For the rest of the ride, it was echoing silence.


"Where the hell is the Byer house?" Eddie spoke to himself, he was filled with unspoken anger.

He didn't want to live forever, he didn't want to be this monster...he just wanted Steve and Dustin.

Now that they saw him...Eddie wasn't afraid to die anymore...he was worried they will be scared of him forever.

"I didn't think any of this shit through." He thought.

"Don't be getting emotional now Munson."

"I know. I have a job to do."

Eddies' thoughts kept fighting with him. He can't control this monster. He just wants to go home. Live his life, then when he's ready...eventually, die.

His heart is shattered, yet he still had so much anger that needed to be sorted.

The problem is...he doesn't know how to do that.


"Hey, look a payphone! Maybe we can call and alert them we are coming." Dustin directed.

They all got out of the car and dialed the number.

"Hello, who is this?" Joyce asked.

"Hey, this is Steve...um we are on our way to your house. We have something to tell you guys." Steve admitted while his mind was racing with a million thoughts.

"Uh, this is unexpected from you..and what are you talking about..a-and who is with you?" Joyce stuttered with anxiety.

"That doesn't matter right now, we will be there in 15." Steve quickly admitted while hanging up.

"15 minutes? Steve, it's gonna take us longer than that." Erica argued, fear and arrogance ran through her. But, she doesn't want to admit it.

"Well, I will make it in 15. I am not letting anyone get hurt." Steve echoed back, they all hurried in the car and drove quickly.

Steve is blinded with fear, worry, panic, etc) He doesn't know what to be feeling right now. All he knows is...he wants to protect them.

He has to.

Well, that is what Steve thought.

Familiar Feelings//STEDDIEWhere stories live. Discover now