Chapter 8

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Chris's POV
"Yes, of course, it's fine to use it! I'm just glad to be a help using both of those ideas sounds like a great combo". I think this might be difficult to draw though but I'm not afraid of a challenge.

Sabastian's face lit up beside me on the bench. "Chris, I want to offer you shared credit on this piece. I'll also state the idea being yours as well as the illustrations". Hold up there boi. I don't want him giving me fifty percent. I'm good with just being the illustrator. The fact that he wants my name on this book is an honour within itself. I'm still kinda wondering how famous he is still but that's an odd thing to ask. I'll sound like an attention seeker. "That won't be necessary I just want to be known as the illustrator if this is okay with you... I'd rather be known for my art." Sabastian once again grinned at me. "If this is what my precious wants this is what will happen." I'm glad he's thinking this way. I have more than enough time on weekends to help make his book a reality.

"I'm excited about your book. I was wondering if we should make more notes now we have the basics?" I'm sounding pushy but he is a professional so I think this is how he works... "Chris as much as I want to dive back into work I do wish to spend the day with you. I can write the notes no problem soon and give them to you to review later if you like but other than that let's not let it spoil today." Yep, I was being pushy. I understand where he's coming from he wants a break and he's under enough stress as it is with his current book. "I'd like that but your right let's forget it especially for now."

To change the subject I want to tell him about Harry since we are speaking on a serious level I wish to get this concern out. "Sabastian tomorrow I'm going to see Harry at work. I don't know what he's going to say to me. I mean he was my friend on the bright side he did lead me to you but he could have given me to someone else. I'll do my best to ignore him but he always follows me." The fear of these thoughts now I'm saying them is making me shake. I don't think Sabastian's happy either since his serious expression was also filled with concern.

"Would you like me to meet you tomorrow after work?" Sabastian says with deep eye contact. I don't want to obstruct him from his busy day. "I think I'll be okay thankyou for the offer though. I'm just worried and a bit mad myself. I want to say something but yet I want to hate him. How's that possible?" I think he's seeing this as a problem. "That's it Chris I'm meeting you at work. I don't care what you say."

This is when reality hit me. Harry will scream he's my partner everywhere at work if he sees Sabastian. I'm not ready to tell the world yet. "Sabastian he will tell everyone. I'm not ready for that yet I want to say it to them when I wish to since it's been some time since my last serious relationship. Please I hope you understand." I hate feeling this way but I'm scared of my family at work. They never really did accept my partners but every guy I dated minus the odd one or two treated me like shit so they have the right to their opinions. I want to know Sabastian 100% before they meet so I can tell them myself if I trust him and not suffer by their opinions if they disagree.

He looked at me and grinned stating he understands but suggests I tell them we're friends for now so if he does come by my family will get to know him first. I like this plan. Harry on the other hand won't buy it. "Sabastian Harry won't believe us. The guy never forgets even when he's drunk." I sighed and then stated Harry will be our biggest giveaway.

"Okay, Chris. Well, I'll stay out of it for now but if you wish to tell your family we are friends at least they have an idea who I am before Harry can open his big trap. I'd possibly try and make this your first move and tell them first thing. I'm sorry I'm being pushy now. I'd rather they knew who I was just in case Harry says something and they get a bad image of me..." once again I agree. I tell him I agree to do this and hug him. Then I grabbed the plates and headed into the kitchen. Whatever Harry throws at me I'll make sure to protect my Boo. Hmm, I still need to work on a pet name although it sorta fits.

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