The Intruder

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Eileen's POV

I watched as they break the boundary down. It slowly shimmered into nothing and they rushed forward. They looked like a bunch of wild animals that were lose on the field, longing to kill me for a long time. The thirst of killing me turned them into someone they don't even know. But they continued to run, despite wasting considerable amount of time trying to break down the boundary set up by me.

They were close to where we are. Next to me, I felt Bellatrix stiffling a laugh. I smirked and said," Ready for a fight? Or do I say, up for a fight?"

She looked at me and said," Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea." She took out her wand and said," For my lord." And she walked forward.

I smirked and said," I'm sure father will hear you, even if he's not here." I smiled, imagining my father smiling.

" Aunt Bella," I called out. She turned around." Thank you." She smiled sincerely and went off to duel with them.

I followed suit, and found myself facing Albus Dumbledore.

" Well well, who do we have here? The headmaster of Hogwarts! What will people say if they found the headmaster dead at Riddle Manor?" I tsked.

" Miss Riddle, I'll advise you to hand over Miss Granger-"

" - Miss Riddle, sir. She's a Riddle," I cut him off.

" She's not. And don't try to persuade her into joining your side," Albus said.

" Persuade?" I chuckled." I didn't persuade her. She joined me herself. She made the choice herself. And I don't think you can change that."

" I don't believe you, nor do I believe she joined you herself. You must've threatened her into joining you," Albus said.

" Threatened? How many times do I have to say? She. Joined. Me. Willingly. And that's the last time I'll say that again," I said, already pist off.

" Miss Riddle, please. You don't have to do this, you're still young and tou still have time to turn yourself into a new leaf," he said.

" Me? Turn into a new leaf? What have I done wrong? Just because I want to avenge my father or protect my sister? This is what family do. Or do you not know that family that was broken by someone operate like this?"

" I know that you are angry that you don't have a proper family, but I can find one for you, just like Miss Granger,"

" And wipe out my memory? No thanks, I prefer living here alone rather than spend my life wasting on someone I don't even have a blood relationship with,"

" Miss Riddle,-"


" You're twelve, still young"

" And you're old, old enough to die here today. But I won't kill you. I want you to suffer, suffer the pain I went through these days without anyone with me. Alone. Scared. Pain. Anger. Loss. These made me stronger and stronger. Made me what I am today. And you'll suffer the same path as I do. I'll make sure that there won't be any light left for you," I said, hatred suddenly filled me up.

I raised my wand and said," Crucio."

He blocked it and soon started a duel that many people feared. A duel between the strongest wizard and the youngest witch that many people feared the most. With spells flying past each other, both of us blocking them on the way, it was a disaster yet a interesting duel to me. It has been a long time since I duel like this again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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