The Ball # 2

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Eileen's POV

We walked down to the Great Hall and walk inside. It was crazy inside, some are already drunk, some are checking girls or boys out, and the others are dancing.

I walk to the counter and said, " Drink please." The bartender handed me alcohol, not knowing I'm not 18. But Aaron found out that he handed me alcohol, and took it out of my hand. I look at him and said, " Give it back to me!"

" No, no way you're going to drink it. What if you are drunk?" he asked.

" I've drink alcohol before, now hand it over to me," I said while I put my hand out.

" No," he said, and he gave it back to the bartender. He took my hand and pulled me to the dance floor.

We danced for a while when I saw Hermione hitting Malcolm across the face and we rush over.

" What happened here?" I asked her.

" What do you think it could be? He tried kissing me," Hermione said.

I turned to Malcolm and slapped him across the face three times and said, " Don't you dare touch her, she's not yours and never will be."

I turned to Hermione and said, " Come on, let's find Pansy."

We looked around the room and spotted Pansy with Malfoy and another boy. We walk over and they saw us immediately.

" Hi, having fun? " asked Pansy.

" No, apparently that date of mine try to kiss me," Hermione said.

" What did you do then?" Pansy asked.

" I slapped him across the face and Eileen slapped him twice," Hermione said.

" Well, he deserves it," said the boy that Pansy was talking to. " I'm Theodore Nott, call me Theo. "

" Hi, nice to meet you," I said.

" Want to have a drink?" Pansy asked.

" Absolutely, my date here forbid me to drink alcohol, so I see that you have to get me some firewhisky then," I said to Pansy.

" Yes, I'll make sure that I got yours," she said as she flashed a smile at Aaron.

As soon as she left, Aaron took my hand and led us into a cupboard.

He locked the door and pinned me against the wall and said," Are you trying to get yourself drunk? "

" Why would I?" I asked back.

" Because you keep wanting to drink alcohol," he said.

" Well, then you're wrong then," I said.

" Why can't you just listen to me once this time, just once, I'm begging you, please," he said.

" Then why can't I get myself a drink that I want? What if I just want myself drunk like a crazy person? What if I want to just slap you across the face and leave this room?" I said, my voice trembling.

He stayed silent for a while so I continue, " Why can't you just let me have a normal school these days and stop following around like I can't protect myself?"

I took a deep breath and said, this time louder," Why can't you just leave me alone?"

" Why can't we just have a normal life like we don't know each other? "

" Why don't we just live our own lives? "

" Why can't you enter my life later? "

By now I'm crying like I lost my mind and screaming like an idiot, the good thing is I already put the silencing spell on.

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