Chapter Five: New Distractions

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***** 3 years later****

The bell sounded from outside the classroom and Chelsea packed her books away, slinging her bag over her shoulder and walking closer to the door before she heard her name being called.

"Chelsea, could you stay back for a little bit?"

"Sure." she huffed a little before turning around and smiling. "Is there anything wrong?"

"Yeah, I just want to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Your application for College. You still thinking about going into medicine?"

"Well, yeah. I would love to be a nurse. Is there anything wrong with me applying?"

"Of course not." Her teacher smiled. "I want to help you with your application. But in exchange I want you to bump up your grades by another level. You do that and I will do the best reference possible to get you in. You are my number one student Chelsea and I don't want you to get anything else than what you are striving for!" Chelsea smiled brightly.

"I will Mrs Robinson. Thank You, I've got to go."

"Bye Chelsea." Chelsea turned around and picked up the books that she would carry to her next lesson, which she left out. Chelsea walked out the door as she looked at the book that Mrs Robinson gave her a few weeks ago. It was all about nurses and what they do when they work with patients. She flipped a few pages and felt herself collide into something... or someone. Her books fell to the floor and felt someone hold her steady and heard as her books slammed against the hard floor. She looked up and moved her hair out of the way and bent down to pick up her books before looking up and seeing a boy not much older looking than her standing and then quickly bending down to help her.

"Don't you watch where you're going?" Chelsea spoke first.

"If I remember correctly, it was you who wasn't watching." He cleared his throat as soon as he spoke and chuckled deeply.

"Cocky much?" Chelsea raised her eyebrows and glared at him.

"Very. Here are your books."

"Thanks I guess. I could've picked them up myself."

"Yeah but then I wouldn't have been able to call myself a gentleman." He winked at her. "I'm Oliver." He held out his hand, waiting for Chelsea too shake it.

"And I'm late for class." Chelsea replied before trying to get passed him in the crowded hallway.

"Don't I get a name...?" Oliver asked, blocking her way.

"Nope. You'll have to guess." Chelsea quickly smirked and walked quickly in the direction of the toilet.

Chelsea placed her bag down on the side and moved her hair by scraping it with her fingers so none of it was in her face. She examined her face and saw that she had rosy cheeks. That could've been because of her dropping her books in a crowded hallway. One of the doors from the toilet open and Isabelle appeared. "oh hey Isabelle."

"Hey Chelsea. You okay?"

"Yeah... Just a bit flustered. Oh well, I've got to get going. I've got workshop now."

"I've got the wonderful lesson that's taught by Mrs Henry. This hours going to be fun." Isabelle sighed deeply.

"Are you sure your okay Isabelle? You don't normally hide out in here and when you do you always tell me if something was wrong."

The Transitioning Series: TransfiguringWhere stories live. Discover now