Chapter Twenty-Two: Catch Me If You Can

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Enjoy xoxo

Chelsea got up from the floor and rubbed the back of her head. The powerful shove that the girls performed on her, was a killer. She walked out of the room and tried to look for a trace of the girls. She found nothing and with her speed she took off back to campus.

Chelsea threw her hospital badge on the bed as she got in and locked the door. She sat on her bed and put her hands in her hair, she bit her bottom lip to stop it trembling... But nothing could stop the tears. They poured out like a waterfall, the memories flashed through her thoughts and then she got up. She stood up from her bed and sniffed, she walked over to her mirror and looked at her reflection. Her make-up had run all down her face. She spoke to herself "I can't keep crying. I have to move on..." She wiped the remaining tears from her face and tied her hair up and decided to go for a run.

She ran round campus, a couple of times maybe a good ten circuits. Just to try and get the thoughts out of her mind. As she listened to her music, she kinda just left everyone else to it until she saw a girl standing in the middle of the football field, on her own. Chelsea moved to her closer, and stopped a few feet behind her. The girl looked like she was wet, her clothes dripping from water. Chelsea moved closer and put her hand on the girls shoulder it was until she lifted her hand and saw the red liquid on her palm. The girl turned around and smirked holding a knife to her arms and cutting them letting the blood drip. Chelsea felt her fangs come down and she couldn't resist the urge she lunged straight for the girls wounded neck and sucked the blood, she felt as the warm blood filled her mouth and the power she felt as the blood flowed through her body. She sucked the blood more and more until she ripped herself away and watched as the girl's lifeless body drop to the floor. The sound of a gasp behind her made Chelsea whip her body around and saw 3 more people look at the aftermath. Chelsea looked at them, and hissed.
"Oh my god what have you done?"
"I'm so hungry..."
"What are you?" One girl shrieked and blinked, the other two people who was with her were now on the floor not moving and Chelsea showed her veins underneath her eyes. She hissed once again and threw herself towards the girl and bit into her neck, ripping through the skin one piece at a time until she got to the main artery and drank from it. Chelsea lifted her fangs from the girls neck and pushed her dead body to the floor, she breathed out. "I'm tired of being the sensible one." Chelsea slowly walked away from the bodies and disappeared into the night, she walked down the road and hailed a cab.

She smirked as she slid in the car and leaned forward. "I'm glad you were driving about."
"Where to miss?" The driver faced her and saw watched as her face changed. "What the hell?!"
"Don't speak. I'm so hungry and I can't resist." She brought her hand forward and sliced her fingernail across the side of cheek and watched as the blood trickled slowly from the cut. She lifted her finger and took some blood sucking on her finger. "Don't react and don't shout." She grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into the back of the cab and bit into his neck sucking his blood.

"Was that okay Miss?"
"That was wonderful..." Chelsea looked at the badge around his neck and wiped it revealing his name. "Jimmy." She bit into her wrist and held it out to him. "Take some of my blood and you can heal right up and then we can go." She gave Jimmy her blood and let him get out and sit back in the drivers seat.
"Where to?"
"Chicago." She smiled and leaned back into the seat and relaxed.

Oliver sat on the couch, gripping his phone after trying to call Chelsea multiple times but she never answered, he left her tons of voice messages yet they were never answered. One more time he would try...
"Chelsea, it's me Oliver. Can we meet and I'll explain everything. Please it's been 2 days, call me back."
"Still nothing?" Alex popped her head through to check on him, she watched a he shook his head. "She'll come around just give her time..."
"I don't know Alex, I've really messed up this time."
"It will all be resolved soon... Trust me."
"When will you be leaving?" He asked abruptly.
"You still hate my presence? Even after all these months... Oh come on Oliver..."
"Well since you've helped me in the last few months... I can't hate you. I just want to know why you're here."
"I have my reasons... And I'm not going to tell you."
"Fine..." A knock at the door and then someone barging into his home made Alex and Oliver stand up next to each other. Zoey came through the door and stood there silently. "Zoey? What the hell made you force your way in?"
"We have a problem.."
"What sort of problem? If it's college drama I don't need to hear it." Alex interjected while Oliver stood and listened.
"Go on..."
"3 bodies were found on the football grass this morning... All drained of blood."
"What?" Alex and Oliver said in unison.
"Did anyone see?" Zoey nodded.
"Everyone found out this morning, we got sent away from the scene as soon as the principle got there. I followed them back quietly and listened in on the conversation. They know about vampires... And they know they have some on campus."
"What? How do they know?" Zoey shrugged her shoulders and grimaced.
"I don't know but we need to find Chelsea and tell her." They all nodded and rushed off to campus to find her.

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