Chapter Twenty: 500 years

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Present day

"It's been 500 years Alexandra. Why are you still trying to look for her."
"Think about it John... Chelsea is my doppelgänger, so that means the bloodline never ended with me."
"So? What you are saying is..."
"Is my daughter was alive and had children, causing it to skip her and go onto her children and so on."
"But come on, you're willing to trace a bloodline which stops now, because of Kaitlyn's big mess-up turning Chelsea but back to the 1500's."
"I need to know what happened to her John."
"Well I'm sorry Alexandra, I can't be part of this. My duties ended when Kaitlyn was killed, I'm free."
"You're not going to help me?" She asked gently and looked at him, watching him shake his head.
"I'm sorry... I've got to go." He smiled gently and walked out of the room leaving her to stand by herself. Alex sat down on the chair that was in the corner of the room and looked out trying to think of something.

"I've got to go." Chelsea jumped from the bed and slipped on her jeans, and then sifted around in the darkness looking for her top. She found it and put it on, realising that the buttons didn't do up, due to Oliver's eagerness. "Now, what am I going to do?" Oliver chuckled from the bed and sat up a little, putting his arms behind his head. Chelsea slowly walked over and climbed back onto the bed, moving closer to his face. "What am I going to wear now?" She whispered with a smile.
"Nothing..." He brought one hand from behind and started to push her top off her shoulder, gaining him a slap.
"Ollie, come on. I need to get back to campus. I have class tomorrow, plus my parents have helped me move all my stuff into my dorm. I need to go back there and sort everything out."
"Let me help you."
"Oh that's not necessary." She smiled gently. "I'll be fine on my own."
"I insist." She shook her head, and smiled even more as he gave her a dazzling smile.
"Fine. Come on lets go."
"Why can't we go in the morning?"
"Because I need to go back now." She walked over to his drawers and took out a long white top and slipped it over her head, she then tied up her hair into a messy bun. She slipped on her boots and walked out to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water.

"That's the last box!" Oliver exclaimed and placed it down on the floor, looking up to Chelsea who was standing there holding a bag on her shoulder. "What happened? How did they let you have a late admission?" Chelsea winked and smirked.
"I worked my magic." She watched as he moved closer to her, and held her tightly, then gently kissing her causing her to smile as they parted. "Life as a vampire has it's perks." She yawned gently and smiled at him.
"Shall we go back?" Oliver asked and watched as Chelsea shook her head.
"No I'm going to stay on campus tonight, since I officially start tomorrow. You're welcome to stay if you want."
"Yeah that would be great. Plus I'm exhausted from all the heavy lifting." He laughed.
"I do hope you are joking." She walked closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, she felt him snake his arms around her waist and held her tightly against his body.
"Of course I am. I'm a five-hundred year old vampire, of course I'm not exhausted." He whispered gently and listened as Chelsea laughed into his neck. They parted and Chelsea got into her ready-made bed and waited for Oliver to follow. As they faced each other, Oliver caressed her cheek with his hand and pulled her closer to him. She snuggled into him gently and fell asleep. "I love you so much, Chelsea." He whispered to her.
"I love you too." She mumbled back and he waited until the soft snores from Chelsea filled the room before falling to sleep.

Chelsea sat in her lecture and tapped on her phone, underneath the desk. 'You left early this morning.'
Her phone vibrated. 'I had to baby... Had a few things to take care of back home.'
'Like what?'
'Nothing to worry about.'
'Chelsea... Aren't you meant to be in a lecture right now?'
'I am.'
'Then get back to studying. I'll see you tonight.'
'I said there was nothing to worry about.'

"Nothing to worry about? Is that all?"
"It doesn't need to make her worry. Especially since she's only just started her studies."
"Won't she need to find out sooner or later?"
"Alex, can we just please find out why we have a new vampire on our hands?" Alex shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't turn her, and you didn't."
"I might be vindictive but I wouldn't turn someone without a reason." Alex held her hands up.
"Then who did it?"
"I haven't got a clue." She walked to the kitchen and back, taking a blood bag and opening it. Oliver watched her, as she ripped open the bag and started to suck at the blood. "Want some?" Oliver shook his head. "What's happened to you? You'd jump at the chance for blood."
"I've had to learn to ration."
"Ugh, rationing. Oh how I loathe thee." She chuckled as she continued to swallow the blood. Oliver just tutted and shook his head. The sound of a person moving on the floor made Oliver and Alex stand up and watched the girl on the floor. She crouched down and watched as the girl looked up at her, pushing her brown hair out of the way.
"Not exactly.." The girl glanced over at Oliver.
"Oliver? Where am I?"
"You're at Olivers home." Alex spoke gently.
"Why do you look like Chelsea?"
"I'm her doppelgänger."
"Doppel- what?"
"Doppelgänger. A person who resembles another person but who don't have to related. But I am in fact part of Chelsea's family... Just very very old..." The girl went to ask another question but Oliver cut her off.
"Zoey, do you know what happened to you?" Zoey shook her head.
"Sorry sweetheart, but you're going to be living a very different life from now on. You're a vampire." Alex spoke and listened as Zoey laughed, she looked at the two of them again, but they stood motionless. "It's not a laughing matter, Zoey. You are transforming into a vampire, and we aren't lying." Alex said sternly, then crouched down again.
"What? Wait I can't... There's no such thing..."
"Yeah yeah... We've heard that a million times before, we've been around a long time."
"Alex, don't be so harsh."
"No, this is how we get through to them, we have to drum it into them. Look at me. Okay Zoey watch carefully." Zoey nodded and watched as Alex ran from her spot and back again within less than thirty seconds. Alex had a knife in her hand, and sliced her wrist open, letting blood flow.
"Oh my god..." Alex held up her hand and told her to watch her wrist. As Zoey watched she couldn't believe her eyes, as within a few minutes the bloody wound was healing, slowly disappearing and leaving the blood stain. "What happened?"
"That's when you know you're a vampire. Now I'm going to have to do it to you... To test."
"What no!" Zoey shrieked and shook her head frantically. "You can't do that to me."
"It's the only way."
"Alex isn't there another way?" Oliver objected.
"Like I said, there's only one way, and we're doing it this way. Listen sweetie." She spoke angelically. "This is the quickest way and less painful way..." Zoey scoffed. "Now, if it doesn't heal within 30 seconds I'll give you some blood to change you and heal you.. Now if it heals then we know you're already a vamp. You understand right?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"Nope." Alex grinned as she grabbed Zoey's hand and held it. She placed the knife on her wrist, and slowly let the blade slice open her skin. "Did that hurt?" Zoey nodded. They waited for it to heal, but it just weeped some blood.
"It's not healing..." Oliver spoke gently, and watched as Alex turned her head and gave him a 'well duh' expression.
"Well done Sherlock." She replied sarcastically. "Okay Zoey, now we know you aren't a vampire yet..."
"Yet? Why can't I just not be one."
"Well the thing is... Which is kinda annoying to be honest. For you to be in this dilemma you had to die... So you're dead, and time only goes a certain amount before you are dead dead."
"So if I don't change... I'm going to die... Or like die forever?" Alex nodded her head.
"Well I don't want to die... So what do I do?" Alex told her the process of completing the change and handed her a blood bag.

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