Chapter Seven: The Return

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Oliver and Chelsea walked through the town and stopped on the way through at his house. "how about a little picnic?" He brought a bag out from his house and held it in his hand.
"So you sure you didn't think of something before?" Chelsea snickered.
"No other than us having a picnic I don't know what we're going to be doing today."
"Typical." Chelsea tutted and then carried on walking.
"What?" Oliver ran after her gently and grabbed her arm, spinning her around so she faced him. "What's so typical?"
"You. This." She pointed to him and then the bag he was holding. "Us today."
"Can you enlighten me?" She scowled at him. "Oh what you think this is a date?" He chuckled slightly.
"Well?" She stood waiting.
"In fact it's not a date." He held up his free hand. "But it could be."
"No Oliver." Chelsea turned around and started to walk again. "This won't be a date."
"Okay. Just two friends hanging out." He swore to her and nodded. Chelsea smiled and then chuckled slightly.
"Where are we going anyway?"
"Well since we're going for a picnic, I thought lets go to the nature park."
"The nature park?"
"You've never been?" He questioned.
"Nope, I've never had the time."
"Oh my god. Come on hurry."

"Would you like a drink?" Oliver held out a glass, with ice cubes already in waiting.
"I'd love one." She smiled and grabbed the cup as he handed it to her.
"So I was a little mix minded." He breathed out as he pulled out two bottles. "I brought with me some Rosé or you have cherryade."
Chelsea laughed loudly. "You bought wine?"
"Well yeah, if you actually called this a date I was going to make it all fancy and pull out all the big guns by serving you wine."
"And if I did say this was a date? What would be for lunch?" His eyes shifted a few times before he began talking again.
"Well I would just bring out these bad boys!" He pulled out a large bag of crisps, a tub of sausage rolls and some other snacks. Chelsea cocked her eyebrows and laughed loudly again.
"Hey I'm no chef!" And he shoved a sausage roll in his mouth. "Plus, this type of food is the best."

"I'm so glad your smiling, Chelsea."
"Well that's not creepy is it?" She chuckled slightly.
"No I mean it, with all this going on with your friend. I really wanted to see you happy again like when I first met you."
"If I recall I wasn't happy when I met you because you bumped into me." She took a few sips of her drink.
"Not this again." Oliver sighed and looked down at the grass beneath him. Chelsea turned her head and then squealed, making Oliver jump a little.
"What? What is it?"
"Look at the rabbit!"
"Oh my god. Seriously?" He grumbled.
"Come here rabbit." Chelsea started to call it to her.
"It won't come to you, its wild." But she ignored him and kept calling it. Clicking her fingers and making a kiss kind of noise as a sign to try and get it to come closer to her. "might as well give up now." But as soon as he said that, the little rabbit moved through the grass gently. Hopping closer towards Chelsea and eventually sat a stone's throw away. He watched her as she held out her hand and the rabbit sniffed her fingers before just moving closer and rubbing it's fur all over her. "well I wouldn't have thought something like that would happen."
"See. You are so negative. Just let nature take its course." She smiled at him as he watched her completely amazed that she could pick it up and place the rabbit on her lap, stroking it gently.

"I've had a really nice time today Oliver, thank you." They spoke while standing on her porch.
"It was my pleasure ma'am." Oliver smiled and gently took her hand, while Chelsea just stared at his hand as he caressed her skin. "Chelsea, I..."
"Not now Oliver."
"You don't even know what I was going to say?"
"I have a feeling." She swiped her hand away and put it around her back. "But I don't want you to say it."
"Why not?" Oliver questioned her, and watched as Chelsea huffed and opened her front door closing it behind her, and going upstairs to her room.

A few hours later, Chelsea sat in her living room watching the television quietly. Her parents were at work and Sophie was upstairs shouting at her, after a good ten minutes having a fighting match, Chelsea decided to enjoy the peace while it lasted before Sophie would start again. Teenagers were the worst. It didn't last long before there was a knock at the door. Chelsea grabbed the remote and turned off the TV before walking to the door. The two figures stood at the door smiling at her, and Chelsea gasped. "Isabelle?" Chelsea spoke with wide eyes, looking at her best friend. She looked normal, she looked... alive? If that was the word.
"Hi Chels. how are you?"
"It's really you? I'm not seeing things. This is my best friend standing before me?" Isabelle chuckled lightly. "Come in here and give me a cuddle!" Chelsea pulled Isabelle into a large hug. "I thought you had died. We... we're sorting out your funeral arrangements! I've been crying since the police called off the searches! You drive me crazy Isabelle Phillips. Now who's this?" Chelsea pointed to the boy next to Isabelle. Who just stood quietly next to her.
"Chels, this is Leo. He's my friend." Isabelle greeted Leo and Chelsea stood there, accepting his handshake.
"Hi I'm Chelsea. I'm Isabelle's best friend. Come in and sit down." Chelsea shrieked a little. They sat down after they walked into the living room. "Did you guys want a drink?" They both shook their heads and Chelsea shrugged her shoulders. "Now Isabelle Jenny Phillips! Tell me where you have been!" Chelsea stammered out. "Im really sorry about your parents, Izzy. I totally understand why you'd leave if both of my parents died I would probably do the same." Chelsea gulped.
"Chels, it's unbearable. I couldn't live here knowing that they had both died. The same day, within that short amount of time. But I had to leave, I'm living with my aunt now. Leo lives down the road from me and that's how I got to know him."
"Why are you back? don't get me wrong I'm so glad you are back. I didn't want to actually admit that my best friend had died." Chelsea spoke softly, while Isabelle nodded her head in acknowledgement.
"I've just come to get the rest of my stuff. I'm leaving for good, and I'm never going to come back to this town after today."
"What?" Chelsea pretty much shouted. "You can't leave! What about me? I'm your best friend Izzy. I need you, I mean you belong here. This is your home, it's been your home since you were born! You were the first person that I met in this little town!"
"Chels you don't understand, I need to leave. I can't stay here anymore."
"And why on earth not? It's not like a persons coming to get you. You're not going to die anytime soon are you? Now tell me the real reason why you are leaving! I don't want no bullshit excuse!"
"I can't tell you. If you need to know, I'll tell you but at this precise moment you don't need to know a thing about what's going on." Isabelle spoke sternly to Chelsea who sighed deeply.
"And I'm guessing this is a need to know thing right?" Isabelle nodded. "Then tell me at least where you are going? Just so I know.."
"Nova Scotia."
"Nova freaking Scotia? Are you joking?" Isabelle shook her head. "How am I meant to visit you? Do you know how much airline tickets cost now?"
"You don't have to visit me. I have my extended family up there."
"Extended family?" Isabelle raised her eyebrows and Chelsea held up one of her palms. "Need to know, I guess." And she watched her best friend nod. "Okay fine. How long are you here for?"
"We have to leave in ten minutes."
"Ten minutes seriously? My patience is wearing thin with you Isabelle."
"You must know me by now Chels." Isabelle chuckled.
"Yes Isabelle I do know. We are sisters and I love you so much." Chelsea glanced at Leo who was looking at his watch meaning that was their Que. to go. "I'm guessing you've got to go now." They all stood up and Chelsea engulfed Isabelle into a really tight hug, squishing her tightly. "So I guess this is goodbye... forever?" Isabelle nodded sadly.
"I'm going to miss you so much Chelsea Adams." They hugged again.
"Can you text?" Chelsea asked her they look toward one another once they stopped hugging.
Isabelle shook her head. "I lost my phone. But I can email, I email every few weeks."
"You better Miss Phillips, and you!" Chelsea pointed a finger on Leo's shoulder. "You better look after my sister, otherwise I'll find you and hunt you down!" Leo beamed a laugh.
"It was nice meeting you Chelsea. It was nice actually putting a face to the character Isabelle has told me all about." Chelsea hugged Leo softly and tapped his back lightly. Chelsea sniffed up and was surrounded in a new scent.
"You know, wherever you guys live, it smells wonderful." She smiled at them both. "Okay go on then you two, otherwise you'll miss your flight or whatever. I love you Izzy."
"I love you too Chelsea." They hugged one more time before Chelsea watched them both get into a car and drive off down the road. Chelsea walked into her house, closing the door behind her. She slid down the back of the door and sat down, gently crying into her hands. Sophie moved down the stairs swiftly and moved to sit down next to Chelsea on the floor.
"Are you okay Chelsea?"
"Not really."
"What's wrong?"
"I just lost my best friend." And she cried harder this time. The story would be Isabelle had died a few nights after her parents had passed, and that's the story everyone would agree with. But Chelsea knew the truth, that her best friend was still alive out there, living a brilliant life.
"It'll be okay Chelsea. You can see her one last time next week." Sophie laid her head on Chelsea's shoulder and hugged her. Sophie believed the lie and everyone else did. That's all that really mattered, as long as her best friend was safe.

The Transitioning Series: TransfiguringWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu