Chapter Ten: Bad Things Lurk Around The Corner

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"So everyone, today's the day. Your last day here. My last day of teaching all of my favourite students." Mrs Robinson spoke as she stood at the front of the class. The principal knocked at the door and opened it and everyone greeted him.
"Good afternoon class..." He started. "I have some very upsetting news regarding one of your classmates." Everyone gasped as they listened. "Kyle, has been put into a induced coma due to head injuries that he suffered over the weekend." Chelsea watched as the principal spoke. "The police will be coming in later on today, to speak to a few people who were with Kyle at the weekend, so if you could all please think about Kyle at this sad time."
"What the hell happened?" Zak stood up, and shouted.
"Mr Marshall, I do not expect to be shouted at, now sit down." The principal said sternly back.
"Sir, he was fine a good ten minutes before I last saw him, I don't understand."
"Neither do any of us Zak but we have to go with things as it happens. But if anyone knows of anything you need to tell me and the officers if we request to speak to you. Have a good day everyone." The principal nodded at Mrs Robinson and left the class, the bell rang a few minutes after and Chelsea grabbed her bag before fleeing the class leaving Zoey and Lola to themselves. She walked swiftly down the corridor and pulled Oliver aside.
"I need to talk to you." She pulled his shirt into a empty room and closed the door, locking it behind her.
" Chelsea what is going on?" Oliver asked slowly.
"It's Kyle." She whispered back. "He's in a coma..." Oliver stood still, staring right through her. "Ollie..."
"Ollie how hard did you hit him?"
"I didn't hit him that hard, I admit I punched him in the face. But Chelsea I was angry, I didn't know what to do other than hit him."
"Ollie he could die!" Chelsea raised her voice a little louder.
"He shouldn't of forced himself on you and then I wouldn't have done what I did in the first place!" Oliver snapped at her, making Chelsea shiver as his voice grew dark with anger. Chelsea moved forward towards him, grabbing hold of his hands and pulling them around her, hugging him tightly.
"What are we going to do?" She whispered.
"Well let's hope he doesn't die because of these injuries." Chelsea tried to reassure herself, but it didn't really work. They walked out of the room and walked over to their lockers, Chelsea opened her locker and put the books that she didn't need and slammed it shut. She spun around and saw Oliver staring at her. "I've got my last exam tonight."
"Yeah. It's my English final, they had to reschedule it."
"Did you want me to pick you up?" He grabbed hold of her hands and caressed them with his thumbs.
"No, it's fine. I'll walk home."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Ollie, I'll be fine."
"Okay... I've got to get going, I'll see you tomorrow?" Chelsea nodded and leaned up letting Oliver kiss her gently on the lips and then she watched him watch away, hands in his pockets.

"Okay everyone put your pens down. The exam is now over." The examiner spoke loudly in the hall. Chelsea placed her pen down and gently tapped the desk and glanced over at Lola who was biting her nails. "I will dismiss one row at a time, please leave the hall quietly, grab your things and go." The examiner got each row up and soon it was Lola and zoey's rows out the door and before she knew it Chelsea's row was being told to leave.

"Oh my god that's it! We're all done!" Lola linked her arms with both the girls on either side. "This calls for a drink!"
"Ah Lola I'm gonna get going." Chelsea butted in before growing silent again.
"Yeah same here Lo." Zoey spoke a few seconds after.
"Awh guys no don't. I'll buy a round."
"I'm really tired Lola, I'll ring you tomorrow, you girls can come round mine and we'll get ready for the bonfire tomorrow. Okay?" Lola and Zoey nodded, yet Lola sulked. Chelsea hugged each of the girls and kissed them on their cheeks before adjusting the bag on her shoulders and walking down the road through the town.

Chelsea walked through the town slowly, passing the shops that were in darkness and the pub that was in full swing. "Chels!" Lola called from behind her.
"Just one drink. Please."
"I can't Lo I'm sorry.. Have one on me okay? I'll text you." Chelsea blew Lola and kiss and then kept on walking. She plugged her earphones in and carried on walking. The town grew more silent as she walked and the lights flickered over her as she walked. Chelsea stood still for a few minutes and looked around, a throat clearing over the road from a man made her jump, nearly dropping her bag on the floor. She sorted her bag out and continued to walk forward without looking in front of her. Chelsea walked a few steps and then collided into someone. Chelsea looked up and brushed her hair out of her eyes and looked up. "Oh god I'm sorry, I-" Chelsea gasped, and looked at the person, it was like she was looking in the mirror at her reflection. "What?"
"Sorry..." The girl quickly said before running off, round a dark alleyway disappearing before her eyes.
"What just happened?" Chelsea questioned herself and carried on walking home.

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