Chapter Twenty-Five: Putting Up A Fight

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Alex's phone rung out loud, and she woke up from her slumber to answer it. "Hello?" She sounded groggy from the lack of sleep she had been getting lately.
"Why are you asleep? We must be finding Chelsea!" Oliver sounded urgent over the phone.
"Well I'm sorry but to be at my full best I need sleep, whether you need it or not I don't care. Plus I'm enjoying being here. I feel like I belong here Oliver."
"Well you don't. You are there to cover for Chelsea's absence. If you tell them anything I will personally shove a stake through your chest."
"Oh try it Oliver, you know I'm a lot stronger and faster than you."
"Well whatever. Don't worry, we don't need you anymore."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Chelsea was returned home a few minutes ago. Isabelle found her."
"You better thank me then." Alex heard Oliver scoff on the other end of the phone. "I was the one who got Isabelle and her friends involved."
"No you didn't."
"Remember that piece of paper I gave you and you just ignored it. Well I found a witch, one of Isabelle's friends up in Nova Scotia. I was the one to bring them down and help find Chelsea because I knew Sasha was strong." Oliver stayed silent. "I'm waiting for my thank-you."
"Well then thanks."
"My pleasure, now can I sleep? I'll come and see my little doppelgänger tomorrow. Have fun Oliver." Alex hung up the call and placed the phone on the bedside table before settling back into bed and going to sleep.

"How did you manage to find her?" Oliver asked Isabelle and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"It was all thanks to Sasha, without her help we would've been able to get her back. Oliver she's too strong."
"I'll get it sorted."
"She's not just some sort of object that you can toy with. You have to kind and gentle to her, you have to get them emotions to come back on naturally."
"I do know what to do." He snapped at her but she just sighed deeply and stepped forward, Leo behind her stepped closer to her as well, trying to keep her calm.
"And I know my best friend. Just remember that!" She spoke with aggressiveness.
"Calm down Iz." Leo spoke gently resting his hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, it's just... Whatever made her turn it off must of upset her so much."
"It was me that made her switch." He sounded sad as he spoke.
"Then you are the one to bring her back. I'll be in town for a few days, I'm seeing my dad. If you need me I'll be around."
"Okay thanks Isabelle, I owe you one."
"All I want is everything to go back to normal."
"It will. All in good time." She smiled, and walked into the hallway. Oliver, Leo and Isabelle stood by his bedroom and looked in. Chelsea's body slowly started to move and then she shot up, glaring at them both. Chelsea watched Isabelle as she snapped her bones back into place, and pushed her hair to one side and looked up.
"I knew you'd bring me here."
"It's in your best interest." Oliver spoke gently.
"You don't get to tell me what is good for me!" She stood up and everyone heard her bones crack as she moved. Chelsea went to grab him but was blocked by a invisible shield coating the doorframe, she laughed darkly and shook her head.
"How original, what you going to keep me in here? Starve me, hurt me?"
"I don't want to do that Chelsea, but if it'll make you come back then I'll do anything." She laughed again and walked over to his bed. Oliver let Isabelle and Leo out of the door and stood by the door. "How long will the spell stay up?"
"However long it needs to be, you just need a witch to take it down. This town is full of them, I'm sure you'll find one. Good night Oliver." They walked away and Oliver went back into his house closing the door.

Hours passed and the rain hammered against the windows. Oliver sat on the couch, staring in the dark sky. "I don't know why you think locking me in this room is a good thing, Ollie pops." Chelsea's voice sounded and Oliver shook his head, trying to ignore her. Chelsea started to whistle loudly and Oliver could feel the irritation building up, he jumped up from the couch and stood outside his room and looked at her dead in the eyes. She was no longer the girl that he had fallen completely in love with, instead the person who she was now was someone who he hadn't met before, her eyes were darker than usual and she just looked completely different. "Why did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"You know, break my everlasting love for you. Why did you throw it all back in my face?"
"I didn't."
"I saw you!" Chelsea shouted at him and calmed down, reminding herself that this was a trick to turn her humanity back on. She knew what he was going to do, press all of the appropriate buttons before she had to turn it on. "How long had it been going on?"
"It's never happened..."
"Then why did I see you two... Or I mean hear you two." Oliver went to interject but Chelsea stopped him. "Why would you do it?"
"Chelsea listen I didn't.. It was Zoey she kissed me."
"Yeah I've heard that before. Do you think I'm completely retarded? I'm not and you sure aren't going to fool me. I prefer being like this."
"This isn't you and you know it."
"Well I prefer this version of me, and whether you like it or not I'm not turning it back on."
"Why?" Oliver watched as Chelsea walked away from him and moved towards his bed.
"I hate the thought of going back to what I was like, whiny and scared of everything that came around the corner, since I've turned into this... I realised what a waste of life I really was. Why can't you leave me like this?"
"Because it's not you, and when you do eventually turn it back on its going to be horrible. All the things you did when you was gone will come back and kick you in the ass."
"Then let me be prepared for it." Chelsea bargained.
"Let me be like this, for a few months right... And I mean you don't get involved what I'll do. I will go back to campus, go back to the hospital." Chelsea smirked and hid her laugh.
"Do you really think I'm that stupid? I'm not letting you parade around the hospital as you are... You'll be clearing out all the blood supply, I'm not that gullible Chelsea." She laughed and ran towards him so the only thing between them was the barrier. Chelsea placed her palms on the frame and looked at Oliver seductively. "Seduction is never the answer Chelsea and you know that."
"Do I? Do I really know that Oliver? Did you miss me? How I kissed your skin and made you feel euphoric. How we made 'love' and I screamed you name as high as my lungs could take it?" Oliver gulped and watched Chelsea, she started to back up a little and pulled her top above her head, revealing her bra. "I know you want to Oliver, and I want to too. I'm yearning for your touch, I want you to trace your hands over my body, nipping with your teeth then slowly travelling down my body and giving me intense pleasure and I scream your name louder than I ever have before." Oliver gulped and his heart rate sped up, he moved closer to the barrier but a few inches away. "And then I'd climb on you... And slowly trail kisses before sinking into you and sucking at your blood as we continued to make love... Just step through the barrier Oliver and we can do all of these things..."
"But it wouldn't be love would it Chelsea? Because you don't feel anything... It'll just be sex to you."
"Good sex at that.."
"I'm not fooling for it." Oliver cleared his throat and walked away.
"Oh Ollie, don't walk away from me. I was just about to unbutton my pants..."
"Goodnight Chelsea."

"Good morning family!" Alex bounded down the stairs, all smiling and completely happy. "How are you all?" She spun around quickly and hugged Sophie tight and heard as she grumbled and then she went over to Christine and placed a kiss on her cheek.
"Any reason to why you are happy this morning?"
"Do you know what mom? I don't know, I just know if I keep moping around and thinking about dad, then my life will be full of sadness, and I don't want that."
"That's good my sweet." Christine smiled as she picked up her mug of coffee and finished it. "Would you like something to eat?"
"Oh no, I'm okay thanks. I'll have something out."
"You sure?"
"Yep, mom thanks. I'm going to see dad and then go to Olivers if that's okay?"
"Of course darling. Ask your father if he's hungry." She nodded her head and as soon as Prying eyes were away she ran with her speed up the stairs into the room Pete was sleeping.
"Morning, how are you?" She closed the door behind her and turned around to face him. "Pete, you alright?" He didn't answer. She rushed over to him and try to feel a pulse, she slowly pulled him up so he was upright and checked on his breathing. "MOM!" Alex screamed. "MOM! Mom help me!!"
"What's going on?" Christine's voice sounded and the loud footsteps followed the voice. The door swung open and Christine came over to her husband. "What's going on? Peter? Peter? Are you okay?"
"Daddy, don't worry you'll be okay.. You'll be okay." This feeling that pounded in her chest felt all too real, she couldn't lose another family member even if they weren't related. Alex placed her hand onto his and could feel the small pulse that struggled to pump through, his mouth parted made his weak breath whistle. "You'll be okay, I promise. I won't let you die this quickly. Not without her goodbye." She whispered while she heard Christine frantic on the phone to the doctor.

"Can't you just let me out of here? I'm bored and I'm hungry." Chelsea moaned loudly, and when Oliver continued to ignore her she screamed at the top of her lungs. He stalked through the hallway and watched her.
"What do you want?"
"Oh come on baby... I still love you."
"Save it."
"Get me out of this hell hole! Why can't I leave?"
"Turn it on and I will."
"And how do you suppose I do that?"
"I don't know... Try." Oliver turned his back and walked away, letting Chelsea pound her fists through the wall. A knock at the door made Chelsea intrigued, a small girl came through the door, one that she actually remembered from the hospital. She was mumbling something quietly and Alex came through the door, barging past the girl and standing in front of Oliver. "Alex what are you doing here?" She ignored him. Chelsea watched from the room, as Alex swiftly and fast snapped Oliver's neck and watched his body fall to the floor. Alex smirked at Chelsea.
"What are you doing?" Chelsea asked. "Why did you do that?"
"Half of your emotions are back on. Yet you're fighting it."
"No I'm not. I'm completely fine."
"So you're not worrying about Oliver?" Chelsea brushed it off and looked away for a minute. "You need to come see your dad."
"What? What's going on?"
"If I let you out, will you come with me to your father?"
"How do you know my father?" Chelsea snapped. "Oh I get it, while I've been gone you've been the innocent Chelsea." She laughed. "I knew you would."
"And what does that mean?"
"Well you know, since you never had the life like I had, it's only fair that you would try steal from me."
"How dare you. You are some evil bitch."
"Why Thankyou." Alex laughed at her reply.
"You really are my doppelgänger. Now if I wasn't serious, I would be with you. I can't give a damn if you don't turn it on, but you need to see your dad. He's dying."
"You're lying."
"I'm not." Alex argued back.
"Yes you are."
"That's it I've had enough with you." Alex stepped into the room, knowing she could step out easily try Chelsea knew nothing about the spell being lifted and snapped her neck. Alex pushed her body to the ground and left Olivers place without another word.

Chelsea woke up a good 30 minutes after, she fluttered her eyes open and saw Oliver had disappeared. She stood up from the floor and walked over to the door and stuck her hand through, seeing it go straight through made her pull it back and ran out of his room and outside.

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