Chapter Seventeen: Adjusting

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"Chelsea you spoke to Detective Branson horribly this morning." Christine confronted her as Chelsea sat down once again at the bar and ate her food. "Chelsea are you listening to me? I'm very disappointed in you."
"Well, I'm sorry mom! That I'm the worst daughter in the world!" Chelsea spoke up, after swallowing her food.
"Why are you always eating? Whenever I see you, you're always eating."
"Because I'm always hungry." She shouted back. She watched as her mother sat down in front of her.
"Honey, do you have something to tell me?" Chelsea looked up from her food and raised her eyebrows.
"Like what?"
"Are you pregnant?" Chelsea laughed loudly and banged the counter with her hands. "Chelsea this is serious. I've noticed a change in your personality, your increased appetite. There's only one thing. You and Oliver have been getting closer lately." Chelsea laughed again and shook her head.
"Mom. You don't have to worry-" Chelsea laughed again. "I'm not expecting a baby, you can cross that off your list." Chelsea heard her mother sigh deeply and chuckle a little.
"Then what's wrong? You can tell me."
"Mom there's nothing. Don't worry."
"Okay fine don't tell." Chelsea huffed and took the last bite of her food. "What are you going to do now?"
"You're trying to get rid of me already, I've only just got back."
"That's not what I meant."
"Mom I was joking. I was thinking about going to college. I still want to become a nurse." She gulped and had thought about it for a long time.
"Oh really. Honey I'm so happy you're still continuing on with your dreams. You did so well in your exams. This deserves a night out. Just you and me."
"Oh mom you don't have to."
"Nonsense. I'll tell Pete when he comes home from work, and then we'll go into the town." Christine jumped from the stool and walked away leaving Chelsea in the kitchen to wash her dishes.

Chelsea and her mother walked into the bar and she found a booth while her mother got the drinks. "Chelsea you're home. Welcome back! We was all worried for you." Was some of the things she heard.
"I got you a cocktail for you darling. This is to celebrate your birthday yesterday." Christine held up her glass and Chelsea did the same, clinking them together. Chelsea downed the drink and smacked her lips together.
"Thanks mom. Did you want another?"
"You've finished it already?" Chelsea nodded. "Yeah. Did you want the same?" She smiled warmly to her mother.
"Sure, I ordered the Juicy Kiss."
"Okay. I'll be back." Chelsea strutted up to the bar and waited to be served. As she waited, she remembered what Oliver said to her about compulsion. There was something she could do, so people would obey her, yet she didn't know how.
"Hi have you been served yet?" The female bartender asked her and she cleaned out two glasses, Chelsea shook her head. "Sorry about the wait, what can I get you? Lemonade?"
Chelsea chuckled and shook her head "no, I'll have two juicy kisses please."
"Are you even old enough?" Chelsea gulped and stared at the lady in the face.
"I'm old enough to get alcohol. Just get me the drinks and then I'll be on my way." She whispered.
"I'll need to see some I.D please."
"I said get me the drinks." Chelsea stared at the lady in the face, she watched as the bartender become 'hypnotised' by her words. "Two juicy kisses please." She smirked as she spoke. The bartender nodded and walked away making the drinks. Chelsea took the drinks and walked back to her mother and placed them on the table.
"Did you have any trouble?"
"No, it's just busy up there." She smiled. She went to sit down until in the corner of her eye, she saw someone familiar. "Actually I'm just going to the bathroom." Christine nodded and sipped her drink.

"Well well well, look who decided to turn." Alex appeared from a stall, and folded her arms. Chelsea closed the door behind her and placed her hands on her hips. "Does your beloved Oliver know about your transition?"
"I didn't really get a choice in it all."
"You chose to drink human blood, so you did." Alex spoke coldly. Chelsea turned towards the mirror, and sorted out her hair. She watched Alex walk up behind her and looked at her, it was like she was looking at her reflection in multiple mirrors. "When did you return?"
"Last night."
"And you still haven't seen Oliver?" Chelsea shook her head and spun around.
"Why are you so interested in Oliver? Have you been going at it while I've been held against my will and died!" Chelsea shouted and stepped forward to Alex who chuckled darkly. "You have I knew it." Chelsea tried to grab Alex's hair but she quickly moved away and attacked her, grabbing her by the neck and pushing her up against the wall.
"Oh come on now. Just because you're a little stronger than before doesn't mean you're stronger than me. Don't try to attack me ever, otherwise you won't live to see another day. Do you understand?" She pushed Chelsea's neck further into the wall and her bones cracked as the pressure in Alex's hands grew stronger. She dropped her like a fly and Chelsea coughed as she got up from the floor. Alex whipped around and smirked at her before leaving the bathroom. Alex stood outside the bathroom and took her phone from her pocket and tapped on the screen.

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