Chapter Eight: Finals

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A few months later, Chelsea got down and studied the hardest she possibly could for finals week. She tried to subside all the distractions until she has finished the exams. Chelsea sat on her bed, scrolling through her laptop when at the top right hand side of the screen an email flashed up.

RE: Hi!


I'm sorry it's been a good few months, many apologises. I've been studying hard, trying to get the grades I want at the end of the year. How are you?

Speak soon
Iz xoxo

Chelsea smiled as she read the message and typed her reply.

RE: Hi yourself!

Hiya Iz.

I know how you feel... It's a stressful time at the moment. I hope I get the grades I want. Mrs Robinson seems to think I'll get the grades I want, so I can go and study Medicine in college. It kinda gives me hope you know.

How's life?

Chelsea xxx

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Chelsea pretty much jumped down the stairs with joy the next morning, leaping into the kitchen and grabbing the last piece of toast which Sophie was about to take and that caused Sophie to moan and whine to her but Chelsea just shrugged her shoulders and ate the warm food. She danced slightly towards the coffee machine and made herself a cup of coffee. Christine came into the kitchen a few moments after and watched her daughter dance around. "Good morning girls." She spoke first.
"Morning mom." Sophie greeted her after she finished her glass of orange. Chelsea spun around and waved at her mom.
"Hi mom. Good sleep?" She asked her watched her mother nod gently. "Great. Coffee?"
"Yes please, if you're offering... could you make some for your father?"
"Of course!" Chelsea moved around the kitchen and got two mugs and pour the black hot liquid in each. A good few minutes later, Chelsea picked up her mug and drunk the warming drink before going over and picking up her bag and walking to the door. As soon as she opened the door she was faced by a familiar face.
"Good morning Oliver!" She greeted him first.
"Good morning beautiful." He replied back, leaning in and pecking her on the cheek.

The walked hand in hand together to school and parted when they had separate lessons. "So you and Oliver hey?" Lola spoke first, plonking herself down in the seat in front of Chelsea's desk. "When was you going to tell your best friends?" Zoey came and sat down next to Lola and tutted.
"It all happened quite quickly..."
"No. Don't give me that quickly, you and him have had something since he got here."
"I didn't know-"
"Oh Chelsea come on. We saw it from the first day that you and Oliver were going to get together." Chelsea sighed a little then chuckled slightly.
"Yeah I guess so..."
"So have you two... You know..?"
"Oh god no. Girls can we not talk about this please!" Chelsea shuddered at the thought of the topic at this precise moment.
"What do you mean by "oh god no." You guys have been going out for a good 6 months now and you guys haven't even come close?" Lola spoke quietly.
"No.." Chelsea felt her face turn red. "We haven't even spoken about it... I guess we'll speak when we're ready."
"Well me and Tyler pretty much did it when were both ready when we got together but I made him wait and when we finally did-"
"Sorry I'm late class!" Mrs Robinson came running into the room and flopped down into her seat at her desk. "Car trouble! Now I'm here we can get down to sorting out these finals for you all..."

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