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Everest's POV

I had just woken up but I didn't get out of bed as I usually do this morning, because yesterday I had just given birth to my new puppy. She's a husky, like me but her fur is mostly white, unlike mine, which is lavender-white. Anyways, I named her Snowflake because of her beautiful white fur. Snowflake had just opened her eyes, which are blue(like mine), when Jake came in to see me.

" Congrats again, Everest " Jake said.

" Thanks Jake " I replied.

" So, what did you name this little dude? " Jake, said smiling at Snowflake.

" Oh, I named her Snowflake, because of her white fur. " I said.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. " I'll get it ", Jake said. I realized it was Marshall, because I knew since I had given birth to Snowflake yesterday, he wanted to give me some to rest, so that today he could come see our precious daughter.                                                                         Jake opened the door and Marshall walked in. " Morning Jake " He greeted.

" Hey Marshall dude " Jake replied.

Marshall then noticed me and our new puppy in my paws. " hey Everest, how are you doing "         " I'm fine Marshall "

" Alright, I'll give you guys some privacy " Jake said, and walked outside.

Marshall looked at me with huge smile on his face and walked up. " Marshall, meet your little daughter, Snowflake "

He licked my head softly and then he smiled at Snowflake " She's perfect, and she looks just like you, just you know except she's smaller and her fur is lighter. "

I chuckled.

" Hello, little one " he said, looking down at Snowflake. Snowflake whimpered happily and softly touched Marshall's nose.

I giggled and Marshall and I just stared at each other in silence

" I really missed you. " He said, with a little sorrow on his face,

" I missed you too. " I replied.

Marshall then nuzzled me as I licked his cheek. He laid beside me and we talked for a bit while Snowflake laid and snuggled in Marshall's paws.

When it was time for Marshall to go, we said our goodbyes. But Snowflake didn't want to leave her father because she held on to his back paw.

" I don't think she wants you to leave " I giggled.

" I know, and I don't want to leave her either, but I have to go back to lookout, or else, Ryder and the others will get worried. " he said.

" Then why not take Snowflake with you? " I asked.

" Are you kidding? She's still really little, and she needs your milk. I can't just let her stay with me when she's this small "

" Yeah, you're right. " I replied. But then, I had an idea. " Wait, what if Snowflake stays with me and Jake for a few months, then when she's weaned, she can come stay with you, Ryder and the other dogs at the lookout. "

" Huh, that's not such a bad idea. "

" Then, it's settled. " " But is it ok if we take Snowflake to the lookout so the others can meet her? " I then asked Marshall.

" Sure, it's ok. Let's go. " 

Me and Marshall asked Jake if we could visit Ryder and the others at the lookout and luckily, he said it was ok. So, Marshall and I went to the lookout so we could show Snowflake to other dogs.

As soon as we reached the lookout, I noticed my best friend Skye and she then notices me too       " Everest! ..." She calls out and runs toward me.

" hey Skye. " I greeted happily.

" High five, and from behind " we said as we did our handshake, and we then giggled. Marshall then walked up to us. " hey Skye. "

" Hey Marshall. Glad to see you made it back here safely. "

Chase then came out of the lookout and saw me and Marshall. " hey you guys. "                                    " hey Chase " I greeted. " Hey buddy " Marshall greeted as he and Chase high-five

 " Awww. Who's this cute little munchkin? "  Skye smiled at Snowflake who was hiding behind my paw now. " Woah you guys had a girl?! " Chase asked in excitement.

" Yeah, we did. And her name is Snowflake, because her fur is as white as snow " Marshall  replied.

" Wow, that's a great name "   Chase said

" Uh, Skye. Where's your little puppy? " I asked Skye.

" They're inside with Ryder and the others. I'll go get them. " She said, as she went into the lookout.

" Woah, you guys had more than one puppy? " Marshall then asked.

" Yeah, we just had four and they're all boys. " Chase replied.                                                                       They must be so cute. I thought.

Skye came out with her puppies a minute later and we soon started chatting. 

" So what did you name these little ones? " I asked.

" Their names are Charlie, Oscar, Emmett and Gunner. " Skye replied.

" Awww, they're so cute and they look exactly the same as each other " Marshall then said as rest of us laughed.

One of the puppies, Emmett crawls his way to Snowflake who was sitting down. Snowflake then looked at Emmett, put her paws on his back and pushed him down playfully. 

" Awww. Look, Emmett and Snowflake are already playing together. " I said, smiling and watching them.

" Yeah, I think they're going to be best friends. " Skye chuckled.

" Not only that. But all of them will be even greater. " Chase then added.

"  What do ya mean, Chase? " Marshall, asked a little confused.

" Well, a few months ago before the pups were born, Ryder and I talked about how the puppies will be helping us on missions when they've gotten older. " Chase told us.

" What are you trying to say here? " I then asked.

" Well, I was thinking that when all our puppies are old enough, we can train them to be the new members of the Paw Patrol. What do ya guys think? " 

" That's a great idea " Marshall said, happily.

" Yeah, how cool would it be if our pups helped us on missions and save people one day? " I then added, excitedly.

" That would be just so amazing!! " Skye said, as she did an excited flip.

Emmett saw the amazing trick she did, and try to do a flip of his own, but he ended up landing poorly. " Awww, look Skye, I think Emmett tried to flip like you. " Chase giggled

Skye chuckled. " Don't worry sweetie. You'll get it someday. ", she said, as she licked his forehead softly.

Ryder's POV

I was at the balcony watching Chase, Skye, Marshall and Everest and I was happy to see them with their puppies together. I then heard what Chase said about training the pups to help on missions when they're older, and it also sounded like a great idea to me as well.

I have a feeling they'll be good pups one day too. I thought

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