Twins First Missions

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Snowflake's POV

My mom has been visiting for a while with the twins, but sometimes it feels like they actually want to stay with us, and today, my mom and the twins came to visit again. And I'm starting to wonder if Summer and Tyler have something to do with it but I don't really blame them. I have been a great big sister, and I love spending time with my siblings.

I was also looking forward to when the twins were going on their first mission, but everything seems pretty calm today.

" Paw Patrol, to the lookout. " Until Ryder suddenly called all of us.

" Ryder needs us. " I said, and so did the twins who were playing with me. This was going to be their first mission! We ran to the lookout and joined the other pups in the elevator, but to my surprise, my dad Marshall entered along with us calmly.

" That's weird. " Oscar said, seeing it too. " Nothing happened this time. "

" Wait for me!! " Tyler called, running in last. 

" Not again. " My mom said, looking worried.

" Oh no. " Summer then added, shaking her head.

" What is it? " I asked.

" In three... two... " Summer counted casually, watching Tyler get closer.

"  Whoaaaa!! " Tyler cried out as he slipped on the floor and went crashing into us in the elevator.

" ...One. " Summer said as she finished counting.

" Sorry. " Tyler said, as the rest of us laughed. I have to admit Tyler does have my dad's clumsiness. We then get into our uniforms, and I turn to see the twins in their new uniforms.

Wow, they're uniforms look pretty cool. I thought. The elevator doors soon and we jumped out, and stood in our positions.

" Ready for action, Ryder sir. " Chase said.

" Jake and Alex were snowboarding when they found a reindeer stuck in a hole. " Ryder explained. " So for this mission, I'll need Rubble to put snow back into the hole after the reindeer is saved. "

" Rubble's on the double. "

" I will also need Everest to use her grapple and lift the reindeer out. "

" Ice or snow, I'm ready to go. "

" And, lastly, I'll need Summer to check on reindeer to see if he might be injured. " 

" Summer to the rescue!! " Summer said her new catchphrase.

" Alright, Paw Patrol is on a roll. "

I watched as Rubble, Everest and Summer went down the slide into their vehicles. 

Summer's POV

I was really excited when Ryder called me for my first mission. I just knew it would be a lot of fun. I ran to the lookout slide and went down to my vehicle which was a red truck with snake hospital sign along the side of it. Rubble, my mom, Ryder and I then drove to the snowy mountains to save the reindeer.

It took us a while but we managed to get there on time. Mother used her grapple to pull the reindeer out and then Rubble used his shovel and put snow in the hole that the reindeer was stuck in. 

" Alright Summer. Let's see if the reindeer's in good condition. " Ryder told me.

" Ok. " I said happily, as I activated my mini x-ray and checked the reindeer's body. It turns out he had a sprain on his leg, but it wasn't so serious. I then used a bandage and wrapped it around the deer's leg. 

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