First Mission

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Nobody's POV

Chase, the other dogs, and the puppies were playing outside, while Ryder was playing a video game on his pup pad until he got a call on it.

" Oh, hi, Jake. " Ryder greeted, as he answered the call. " What's up? "

" Hey, Ryder. Me and Everest were just taking a stroll when we found some litter of snow rabbits stranded on an icecap. And we don't know how long it'll last 'cause the sun is melting it. "

" Don't worry, we'll save those rabbits. No job is too big, no pup is too small. " 

Ryder then ended the call and pushed the contact button to call the pups. " Paw Patrol, to the lookout. " 

"Ryder needs us. " All the dogs ran to the elevator, and Snowflake hopped on Marshall's back as he was running.

" Snowflake why are you riding on my back? " Marshall asked, as he kept running.

" So, that I'll be safe when you crash into the elevator. As usual. " She replied. 

" Don't worry. I assure this time I'll be really careful and won't cra- " Marshall stopped, when he soon realized he wasn't paying attention while he was running and crashed into the other dogs and pups in the elevator.

Luckily, Snowflake still remained on Marshall's back while the others were in a pile. " Told you it would happen. " Snowflake told her dad. All pups giggled at what she said.

The elevator doors closed and went up as they changed into their uniforms.                          Charlie's uniform was purple and he wore a straw hat, seeing that he's a gardener pup. Oscar's uniform was black and he had a black hat with a small badge on it. Emmett's uniform was white pilot-like, as he wore a hat like Chase's, but white in color, and Snowflake's uniform was pearl colored with light blue snow blizzard lines on it, and she still had her light blue winter hat.               The puppies were amazed as they looked at their uniforms, while the elevator kept going up.

The doors then opened and they all hoped out as they stood in their regular positions while the puppies stood next to them.

" Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder sir. " Chase said.

" Alright guys. Jake and Everest spotted a litter of snow rabbits stranded on an icecap that's melting, and they don't know how long it'll last. " Ryder explained.

" Oh no, we've got to save those poor bunnies. " Oscar said, with pity.

" Don't worry. Good thing we have the puppies as our new members so we'll be able to save those bunnies in no time. " Ryder said, while looking at the pups.

" Woah!! Congratulations pups!! Awesome!! Welcome to the Paw Patrol!! " The dogs said, congratulating the puppies.

" Alright, so for this mission, I'll need Emmett. " Ryder said, while pressing the button that resembled Emmett's pup tag. " I need your aeroplane to scan the icecap the rabbits are on and see how much we have until it melts completely. "

" Time to hit the skies!! " Emmett said, doing a flip and everyone looked at him. He realized everyone was staring at him, because of his new catchphrase. " What? That's what you guys say when you go on missions. Shouldn't we do that to? "

" No it's alright. It's perfectly logic for you to. But anyways, " Ryder said, as he continued. " Next I'll need Snowflake. " Ryder said, pressing her pup tag button. " I'll need your grapple to carefully lift each of the rabbits off the icecap and check if they're still in good condition. "

" Snowflake's ready to save!! " Snowflake said her new catchphrase.

" I'll also need Zuma. I'll need you to use your hovercraft to push the icecap towards shore, close enough for Snowflake to use her grapple. "

" Let's dive in!! " Zuma said his catchphrase.

" Alright Paw Patrol is on a roll!! " Ryder called. The puppies and dogs barked, howled and cheered as Emmett, Snowflake and Zuma went down the slide to their vehicles.

Ryder and the dogs then raced down to the snowy mountains. When they had arrived, Jake and Everest were still at the scene.

" Ryder, glad you and the pups are here. That icecap is melting fast!! " Jake said, pointing at the icecap that was melting. The snow rabbits were on it, looking really terrified.

" Mom, how long do you think the icecap is going to hold those bunnies. " Snowflake asked Everest, as she was standing beside her.

" Not long, I'm afraid. That's why we have to hurry. " Everest said, looking worried.

" Emmett, how is it going up there? " Ryder said, talking to Emmett on his pup pad.

" Well, the icecap is melting really fast. I don't know how long the snow rabbits will last on to there. " Emmett said, flying his aeroplane.

" Zuma, see if you can get the icecap on to the shore before it melts completely. "

" I'm on it, Ryder. " Zuma drove his hovercraft to the icecap. Seeing that it was melting fast he had to hurry. He drove on the cold lake as fast as he could and he finally made it just in time. 

He transformed his hovercraft into a submarine and swam under the icecap to the other side and pushed it towards shore, luckily it hadn't melted and snow rabbits were still on it.

" Nice work, Zuma. " Ryder said. " Alright Snowflake, you're up. "

" *ruff* Grapple. " Snowflake called out her little grapple and carefully the rabbits one by one unto safe land.

Snowflake then carried the rabbits to her vehicle and used her vet first-aid kit to check the rabbits. " It's ok Ryder. The rabbits are all good. No injury in sight. "

Ryder and the others cheered happily. " Good job, Snowflake. And you too Emmett, on your first mission. You're such good pups. " 

" Thanks Ryder. " Emmett and Snowflake said in unison.

After the mission, Ryder and the pups drove back to the lookout where the other dogs were waiting. " You pups go on and play. You deserve it. " 

Emmett, Snowflake and Zuma ran off to join the others. 

" Hey Emmett. Hey Snowflake. How'd the mission go? " Charlie asked.

" It was great. " Emmett said.

" And so much fun. " Snowflake then added.

" I wish we could've gone. " Gunner said.

" Don't worry. They'll be other missions. " Emmett said. " Yeah, and when they come, we'll be ready. " Snowflake added.

" Yeah!! " The rest of the puppies said happily.

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