Chap. 1 ~ Meet My Ex..Jake

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Pic of Jake
Omari Lewis Dixon as Jake
Becca's POV

"I love you, Rebecca Jones. Forever and always." I puckered my lips, preparing for the steamy make out session. Closer...closer...what the hell!

I shut my alarm clock off and sluggishly got out of bed and then got mad. Aw man, I was about to get a smooch from Norman Reedus. Well, anyways, let's get happy. Yay...first day of school. Note sarcasm.

I did my usual morning routine which consisted of doing my business, brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and putting my clothes on. My outfit was plain and simple; Blink-182 sweatshirt, ripped jeans, and converse. I know, I know, not the typical first day of school outfit. I don't dress to impress.Now go away.

Afterwards, I did my hair, went downstairs to grab something to eat, and drove to school. To kill some time, I plugged in my aux cord to my phone and started playing "If You Can't Hang" by SWS.

I drummed along to the song while driving to my boring prison I call school. As soon as I got there, I parked, and got out. I turned around and I was pushed up against my car by none other than my ex Jake. This day keeps getting better and better. I sigh and roll my eyes.

Jake smirked and licked his lips, a thing I hate but he does anyway. "Damn. You look sexy as hell." I force a smile and said, "What do you want, Jake?"

A little strand of hair fell in my face and he pushed it behind my ear.

"I think we both know what I want, Bec." He said.

I suck my teeth and put on a thinking face. "Nope. Don't know. I have to go to class. Bye."

I try to walk away from him, but he grabs my forearm with a strong grip and turns me around. I look down and he says, "Look at me." I don't and he raises his voice. "I said. Look. At. Me!" I jump a bit and raise my head.

I look up at his face and see his eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. He bends down next to my ear and whispers, "You know I don't like when you don't listen to me. But you do it anyways."

I shake out a fear, prepared for his next words. "I'm coming over later, okay?" He looks at me with sincere and caring eyes, the ones I fell in love with. The ones that are anything but sincere and caring. He continues, "You know what's gonna happen if you don't open the door. Remember last time?"


I was just getting something to eat when I heard the doorbell ring. I stopped what I was doing and looked through the peephole. My heart started beating rapidly and I started to shake.

I turned to walk away when I heard his voice, "Open up, Bec. I know you're in there!" I jumped when I heard a loud bang. It came again and again and again.

I ran up the stairs and waited for it to stop. A while after, I didn't hear anything, but silence. I slowly crept downstairs and I breathed a sigh of relief. He was gone. Or so I thought.

I turn to go back into the kitchen when I see him. He looks at me with rage in his eyes with clenched fists. He walks slowly towards me. I back up a little.

"You know.." He dragged his hand along the wall and taps it. "It's not nice to not open the door for people. Especially me. You know that." He sighs and laughs.

I stand there, my feet glued to the floor, not moving. Thoughts run wild through my mind. Fear. Panic. Punishment. I shake at that word. He seems to notice and his eyes soften a bit and he walks up to me.

"No. No baby, don't worry." He caresses my cheek and leans down and brushes his lips along mine. I jerk away and he notices and grabs my face.

"Don't! Don't..pull away from me! I hate it when you do that shit! Now. Let's try this again." He leans down and kisses me. All I feel is coldness. No love, no affection. Just coldness.

He enjoys it. I don't. His hands move down to my hips and slide down to my butt. I force myself not to gag. I don't kiss him back. Why would I?

I guess I should play along. I kiss him back with more fierceness and passion, even if it is fake. He gets the message, pushes me against the wall, and starts undoing my pants.

I pull away from the kiss. "No. W-we can't. Not tonight." I say, while looking down. He chuckles softly and puts his finger under my chin, making me look up.

"I don't know why you try and fight it, Becca! You know you want me! You're just saving yourself for the right person. Well, you know what? I am that person."

My eyes widen and registered what he said. I try and push him off of me, but he pins both of my wrists to the wall with one hand. I spit in his face. Big mistake. He wipes it off and smirks evilly.

It all happened in a blur. His hand connected with my face, I fell on the floor and tasted blood. I look up and his fist comes down on my face once again. I cry out in pain and curl into a ball.

He pulls my hair as he forces me up and looks into my eyes. "Remember this as your punishment when you don't open the door when I come. Okay?"

I nod and look away. He gets his stuff and before he leaves, he mutters something, thinking I don't hear but I do.

"Such a pathetic slut and a bitch."

When he leaves, I get up from the floor, wincing. I don't bother looking at my face, I know it looks bad. I forget about eating, take a shower, and fall asleep listening to "Take It Out On Me."


I nod and he smiles. "Good. Now run along and don't tell anybody about this." I hear the threat in his voice and don't push it.

Instead, I walk away to my first period and sigh. It's gonna be a long day.

Okay! So the first chapter is up! I hope you guys like it! Comment and message me telling me what to think about it!

Farewell, my little walkers. 😇👋🏾

The Nerd Who Saved Me(BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora