Chap. 2 ~ The Newbie

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Devin's POV

"Nobody likes you when you're 23! And are still amused by TV shows! What the hell is ADD? My friends say-"

I groan and check the time on my phone. 6:45! SHIT! I'm gonna be late! I quickly got out of bed and fell on my backpack that was open.

I move the backpack out of the way and get ready for my first day of school and being the new kid. Hope there are some nice girls who like me. Well, that doesn't really matter cause I don't get girls.

I put on a Blink-182 sweatshirt, jeans, and vans. I go downstairs, grab something to eat, get in my Red Chevy Camaro, and start my drive off to school.

I rock out to "Feeling This" by Blink-182 to pass the time. I mean, who doesn't like Blink-182? C'mon. They're a good 90s Rock hand from San Diego, California. Just like me. I would've still been there to.

Just because I was a trouble maker, vandalized the school, and "hit" that dude from our last lacrosse championship game against The Cougars. His face just met my lax stick. Not my fault. Ok, maybe it is.

I soon pull up to the school, get out of my baby, and walk to the office. On the way in, I look to my right and see a girl shaking with a guy holding her arm. I shrug it off and continue walking to the office.

As soon as I walk in, I see a girl with brown hair that went past her shoulders and brown eyes. I smile at her. She blushes and walks away, mumbling a 'Thank You' to the lady at the front desk. I go up to her and she looks at me with a sweet smile.

I give one back, showing my dimples. She asks, "Name, sweetie?" I tell her, "Sanders" and she hands me my schedule. "Have a nice day." She says with another smile. 'I like her' I thought.

I was walking out of the office when I was pushed on the ground. Out of instinct, I quickly got back up and pulled back my fist.

All of a sudden, I look up and a boy looks at me, smirking. "Get the fuck outta my way!" I stand my ground and he notices. "Looks like a tough one. Boys!" As he yells, a couple of tough looking guys come and grab my freshly ironed shirt. 'Man, that took at least 10 minutes!' I thought.

The boy who pushed me down got in my face and I stared back. He said, "If I ever see you in my path again, there's going to be a consequence."

I heard the threat in his voice and smirked. "Boy, you better watch out, too. Now." I patted his shirt, "Why don't YOU stay out of MY fucking way? Great. Move." He was about to walk away, but before he did, he quickly punched me in my gut. I clenched my jaw and he stepped up to me and whispered, "Consider that a warning." He walked away and his 'boys' put me down. I brushed my self off and collected myself. I grabbed my bag and picked my crumbled schedule up off the floor.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I looked up and saw a small girl holding her hand out. I shook it. "I'm Casey, but people call me Cas." I smiled and said, "I'm Devin, you can call me Dev."

She smiles, takes my schedule, and she glances it over. "Hm. We have first together. Come on, I'll walk with ya." She started walking to who knows where when a boy popped out with glasses, brownish hair, and moles.

"Hey, Cas! I missed you!" He fake pouted, but soon smiled afterwards. Casey laughed and pecked his cheek. 'I'm so lonely. Wow. It's just sad.' She smiled and said, "Hey Justin! I missed you too!" It took him a while to notice me, but when he did, he smiled. "Sup dude. I'm Justin." I grinned and shook his hand. "Devin, call me Dev." He nodded and turned to Casey.

"What're ya doin right know?" He asked and she said, "Showing Dev to his first period. He's new." His eyebrows rose and slapped me on the back. I stood there. "Well, be safe dude. Watch out for Jake and his boys."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Already met him. He's an ass and a bitch." He snorted and nodded in agreement.

"Totally. He punched him in the gut! He looks pretty tough so I won't have to set Jake straight myself." She laughs, but me and Justin don't. "But, babe, we have to go. I love you." Casey said and hugged him.

"Let us go forth into AP World History!" She said and I laughed. We entered the room and that's when I saw the girl from the parking lot. Now that I think about it, that guy she was with must've been Jake. Why is she with him? I sighed and walked towards her. I smiled when I sat down and said, "Hi." showing a dimple on my left side.

Becca's POV

I heard my best friend, Casey laugh and it all started when he walked in. I looked up and that's when his blue eyes met mines. Looking over, there was an empty seat, which he was looking at by the way. He walked over, wearing a black Blink-182 sweatshirt, blue jeans, that were a little low on his waist, and black vans, with his hair in a bun. 'Zayum, lemme getcho number, dawg!' I also noticed he had a tattoo on his left arm. He sat down and looked at me once again. "Hi." He said, and that was when I saw his left dimple. I died and came back.

'This is some cute boy.' I think before Ms. Owens comes in and tells us what we're doing today.

A picture of Casey will be in the next chapter! Comment and tell me what you think!

Farewell, my little walkers.😇👋🏾

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