Chap. 7 ~ Movie Night & Other Things...

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Jake's car 👆🏾

Becca's POV

Since Lacrosse tryouts ended around 4:30PM, Dev and I decided to plan a movie night and invite Justin and Casey.

All of us were currently sitting in the living room with a big bowl of popcorn in the middle, blankets, and pillows. I was sitting by Devin on one couch, while Justin and Casey were sitting on another. The movie we were watching was "Halloween". I love scary movies, while Dev on the other hand, not so much.

We were at the part where Michael Myers comes out and attacks the boy who bullied him in the bathroom. When he hit the boy with the stick, Devin jumped and buried his head in the crook of my neck. "I don't like this movie!" He whined. 'Boys.' I thought and rolled my eyes.

"Aw c'mon! It isn't that bad! You can truck the hell out of Jake, but ya can't watch a scary movie!?" Justin exclaimed. Devin took his head out of the crook of my neck and looked at Justin. "Shut up. This is different." Justin rolled his eyes and resume cuddling with Casey.

Michael hit the boy in the face with the stick, blood gushed out of the boy's nose, and he screamed, pleading for him to stop. Devin was latched onto me for dear life. I sighed and placed my hand in his hair and began scratching it. "Just relax. It's just a movie."

He stopped jumping throughout the rest of the movie. When the movie ended, he got up and said, "That wasn't so bad." I rolled my eyes and got up. "Yeah, considering you were all on me." He looked at me and smirked. "Yeah, but you weren't complaining." I just huffed, crossed my arms, and turned towards Casey and Justin who were asleep on the couch.

"Aw...they're so cute. I want that one day." I said while sighing and looking down. Devin lifted my face up with two of his fingers and looked at me. "You will. With me." He smiled and I cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah, sure...okay." I removed his fingers and threw a pillow at the two lovebirds. "Get off Dev's couch and go home! We got school in the morning!"

They both jerked awake and got up. Justin stretched, then put an arm around Cas' waist. "Thanks for inviting us for movie night. We needed it." Cas nodded in agreement. "No prob, dude. Anytime." Justin and Cas put their shoes on, and then left through the front door.

"Welllllll...I'm gonna turn in early." I fake yawned even though I wasn't sleepy. He looked at me. "Oh. Uh...alright. But first.." Before I had time to react, he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. "DEVIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He chuckled. "I know you're not tired, Bec. Therefore trying to escape from me, you're getting punished."

By hearing those words so many times, I started shaking, then I kneed him in his gut, which he groaned to and put me down. "Damn! What'd I do!?" He yelled. I cowered into the corner and hugged my knees to my chest. He shook it off and got up. "D-don't come near m-me." I managed to get out with shaky hands pointing towards him.

His face went from confused to recognizance then it softened and he slowly walked towards me. "Hey...Bec. It's me. Devin. I'm not going to hurt you." I looked at him and a tear strolled down my face. He made it to me, sat down, then wiped the tear on my cheek. He turned me towards him and held my shaky hands.

"You have to understand that I will NEVER hurt you, Bec. You mean a lot to me and I know it sounds crazy because we met about a month ago. But you do. I'm not Jake, and I will never be. I just want you to know that. Okay?"

I looked in his eyes and nodded. His eyes flickered to my lips then up to my eyes. I got the message, leaned in, and our lips connected. His hand went up and cupped the side of my face. 'This was the best kiss I've ever had.' The moment was good, but like all humans, we need air to breathe. So I broke apart and caught my breath.

"I liked that. A lot." He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. 'My oh my. That is hot.' I nodded in agreement. "Yeah it was." He caressed my cheek and said, "Bec. I like you. A lot actually."

I looked at him. "I like you a lot too, Dev. But what about Jake? When he finds out...what's next?" He rubbed my shoulders and sighed. 'Wow, he sure does like to be touchy.' "Well, not sure about that. But in the meantime..." He grabbed my face and kissed me once again.


Jake's POV

I watched from a far distance as he kissed Becca, my girl. He has another thing coming if he doesn't back off. It's no secret that they both like each other. would be a shame of them were in a very bad accident.

I called the number who would soon be the cause of somebody's death. It rang twice and they picked up.

"Yes, Jake? I have more important things to worry about." I chucked. "Nice to hear your voice too, Carolina. I need a favor from you." She sighed. "Hold on a sec." I heard a scream in the background then silence and she came back on. "Now what was it you needed me to do? I already know to come to the school as a foreign exchange student, but what else?"

"Yes. Then become friends with a girl named Becca Jones and her little boyfriend, Devin Sanders. Break them up with one of your evil plans, maybe even break him. Do whatever you have to do so I can get my girl back. Do you understand?" I'm guessing she thought about it for a second because there was a pause. "Yeah, sure. No problem." I sighed and looked up to see that boy touching what's mine. My jaw clenched and I responded to Carolina with a "Good." then hung up.

I started my 1965 Black Ford Mustang and drove off. 'I will get what was mine, boy. My girl will be mine once again. That you can believe.'

Ooh...somebody's in trouble! I wonder who it is! *laughs evilly* A little short, but eh. Anyways, comment and vote.

Farewell, my little walkers👋🏾😇

The Nerd Who Saved Me(BWWM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ