Chap. 6 ~ Grilled Cheeses & Lacrosse Tryouts

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Devin's POV

I stirred slightly when I felt shaking and heard whimpering. I opened my eyes and saw Becca clutched onto my shirt as it were her lifeline. She was whimpering words, but they came out muffled and jumbled. I leaned down to listen to what she was saying, and sure enough it was, "S-stop...Jake. P-please stop!"

My jaw clenched at her words. When I said I would protect her, I wasn't lying. I will try my best and protect her from Jake. I slowly shook her, trying to wake her from her nightmare. "Hey Bec. We fell asleep." She opened her eyes and they looked around before landing on me. She gave me a small smile and said, "Hey. Sorry I kinda feel asleep on you."

I shrugged. "No big. I'm gonna go make lunch. Wanna help?" She nodded, got up, and I followed soon after. We both went downstairs into the kitchen and I got the grill cheese maker out with the ketchup, while Bec sat there.

"Uh..what do I do? You kinda did everything already, Dev." She smirked. She looked cute and badass...weird I know. "Mhmm...well you can get the drinks out of the refrigerator, plates out of the cabinets, and some napkins I guess." She nodded and went to work.

Becca's POV

After Devin told me what to do, I got the drinks and napkins. I looked in the cabinets and reached for the plates, but I was too short. I tried sitting on the counter but my plan failed. After many attempts, I crossed my arms, gave up, and huffed.

Devin looked over with a confused face. "Everything good?" I shook my head 'Nope' and he walked over. "Well, what can I do for you, my fair lady?" He asked with a somewhat British accent. I pointed towards the plates. "Zac's munchkin is too short to reach the plates."

He chuckled and told me to turn around. "For?" He rolled his eyes in a playful manner. "C'mon. Just do it." I went along and turned around. As soon as I turned around, I felt hands on my waist and myself being lifted up. "W-what are you doing? Put me down!" He laughed. "Nope. You said you couldn't get the plates. Now you can." I reached for the plates and this time, successfully got them.

He put me down and when I turned around, he was pretty close so, I examined his face. His glasses were off, letting me see his clear blue-ish eyes. His hair has a couple of blonde streaks with dark brown in it and it was in his usual man bun. His face was well structured. Overall, he was really handsome. I moved around him, saying 'Excuse me.' He let me by and made four grilled cheese sandwiches; Two for me and two for him.

After we ate, it was about 9:45PM so we decided to call it a night. After all, we had to go to school tomorrow. Oh and lacrosse tryouts are tomorrow as well! I hope Dev does well. I went upstairs and feel asleep once again, waiting for morning.

Devin's POV

Last night after eating, what basically was Becca and I's dinner, we both called it a night. I couldn't go to sleep right away. Maybe because of two things; One being Lacrosse tryouts today and Two, I was thinking about Becca. There's just something about her. It's like we met by fate or something. I shrugged it off and got ready for school.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and did my hair. Nothin to it really, all I did was split it half up and half down.

The temperature outside was a little chilly so I wore a red flannel, with a tank underneath, loose fitted black jeans, and red vans. I also got my Nike duffel bag, my red and white Lacrosse stick, then went downstairs to wait for Becca after I was ready.

I went downstairs and saw Becca already there, sitting on the couch. "Morning, Bec." She smiles and said 'Morning Dev' back. I looked at what she was wearing and liked it. She wore a black tank with a red cardigan, black tights, and red combat boots. We both grabbed bananas and hopped in my car.

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