Chap. 5 ~ Jealous Devin?

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I am so sorry it took so long to update! Hopefully this will make up for the long time away! Enjoy.

Daniel Sharman as Zac


Becca's POV

I woke up, snuggling into my bed. 'Mm...this feels nice..wait...this isn't my bed!' I shoot up and quickly look around, taking everything in.

The walls are red with white strips and the bed is black with red pillows. Wow, they must surely like the color red. I get out of the bed and look down at Devin's clothes that he gave me last night. I have on his lacrosse penny and his lacrosse shorts.

This might be weird to say, but I kind of like having his clothes on. They feel right. Anyways, I creep into the hallway to his room and peek inside. No sign of life anywhere. I frown then continue my quest of searching for Dev.

I step down the stairs quietly, faintly hearing a TV playing. I reach the end of the stairs, look around the corner, and see Devin in the kitchen. Cooking I might add. With his shirt off. All his back muscles just flexing and whatnot as he moves-stop! This is weird!

I compose myself and see another person sitting on the kitchen stool. I walk up slowly and Devin turns around and smiles.

"Hey sleepyhead. I made some breakfast while you were sleeping." I smile and wave. "Hi. Thanks for letting me stay here..and the clothes...and breakfast. You didn't have to."

He then grins and shrugs. "I wanted to." A person clears their throat and I turn my attention to them. 'Oh wow. He's gorgeous..nice sculpted face..yep. He's a nice fella.'

"Yep. Just ignore me, Dev. I'll introduce myself to the lovely lady." OMG! Is that a British accent I hear!? I'm in love.

He gets up and that's when I see his full self; He's wearing a white Hollister tank top with black sweatpants. He also has curly brownish-blonde hair. He stands in front of me and I look up at him. Oooh..his eyes are so enchanting..

"Hey. I'm Zachariah. But you can call me Zac. I'm this idiots cousin. I'm staying here for a couple of weeks." He smiles and sticks his hand out. I shake it and say, "Nice to meet you, Zac. I'm Becca, but you can call me Becs." He smiles and releases my hand.

"I think I'm gonna call you Munchkin. Since you're all cute and tiny." As soon as he says that, we both hear a loud clang. 'Jesh, what's going on..'

I turn and see Devin staring at Zac with a clenched jaw. Wonder what's gotten into him. Zac just holds up his hands. "Woah mate. Sorry. I didn't know I couldn't give her a nickname."

I stand there awkwardly, fiddling with my fingers, and rocking back and forth. I finally get the guts to speak with all the tension in the air. "It's fine, Zac. You can call me Munchkin. It's cool." I smile and say.

Zac smiles then looks at Devin. "See mate. She doesn't mind. She likes it." Then he proceeds to put his arm around my shoulders. "It suits her quite well actually." I don't miss the way Dev's face is specifically looking at Zac's arm placed around my shoulder.

I blush then remove Zac's arm. "Yeah well I'm hungry sooo lets eat!" Devin then goes back to his normal self and fixes two plates.

"Wha-where's mine!? There's only two plates and if my math is correct, there should be one more!" Devin sighs loudly and says, "'re can fix your own plate! Now stop whining."

I look at Devin, then nudge him and he looks at me. His face softens. "Yeah?" I sigh and ask, "Why ya blowing up on him? He ain't do nothin wrong. Only gave me a nickname-"

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