Chap. 9 ~ The Party Pt. 1

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"Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?" - Spongebob😛
"You make sure you get back." - Rick Grimes💀🔫
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Zac's Jeep😍😍
Becca's POV

"Psst..psst! Psst!!" I groaned and slowly opened one eye. Then the other, and what I saw kinda creeped me out.

Staring back at me was Zac smiling widely at me. He put a finger over his lips and pointed behind me. I turned and saw Devin still sleeping. 'Aw he's so cute.' I turned back to Zac and raised an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes, sighed, and took my hand, not knowing it was hella sore, which caused me to wince, and he let go quickly.

"Sorry," He whispered. "You wanna go out and play some 1v1?"

My eyes lit up and I got up, careful not to wake Devin. I put on my shoes and Zac handed me a sweatshirt and I shrugged it on.

I got my stick and followed Zac into the backyard. "Wow...this is a huge yard." He turned around, "You know what else is huge? This--hole in the net. See." He pointed to a gigantic hole in their net.

I shook my head and leaned against my stick. "So are we gonna play or not? I could be sleeping." He nudged me. "Fine, c'mon. You wanna FO?" I smirked at him. "Of course I do."

He put the ball in the middle of the yard and we both crouched down. "Let the best laxer win." He counted down and as soon as he got to 1, I trucked him and scooped the ball up, running towards the goal and took a bounce shot, making it in.

I did 'The Surfer' celebration along with the hang-loose gesture and he glared at me. "Easy goal. I let you get that one, munchkin."

I laughed and put the ball back in the middle and crouched down. "Sure ya did. Play hard this time. I need practice." This time I counted down from 3 and when I got to 1, Zac and I both fought for the ball, pushing each other, and finally he got it and ran down the yard with it.

I chased after him, coming from the side, and ramming him, causing the ball to drop out of his pocket, which I scooped up and ran to the goal. Little do I know, Zac recovered quickly and was on my tail.

"I'VE GOT YOU NOW, BECCA!!" I laughed and he came up beside me and hit me, causing me to fall, ironically falling on my wrist, which twisted under my weight.

"Damn it, Zac! I'm not a guy! You can't just go around doing that to girls! Earlier my ex--" I stopped and groaned as I held my wrist.

"Becca, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean it! I swear! Lemme take a look at it." He carefully lifted it up and he pursed his lips. "Mm..uh, yeah...that uhm, it looks broken to me, Bec."

The patio door opened and we both looked up surprised as Devin ran out and kneeled by me.

"Zac, what did you do!?" He glared at Zac and Zac's face softened and he stuttered, trying to find the right words. "I..we were playing-and, and I didn't mean to, she..I hit her and she fell. Becca I'm really sorry. I would never hurt you intentionally."

I smiled softly at Zac. "I know, it was my fault. I said I wanted to face-off." Devin's face turns confused. "You're standing up for him? Really, Becca? He hurt you! And let's not forget what happened earlier!"

"I KNOW, DEVIN! CAN YOU PLEASE DROP IT?!" I turned to Zac and sighed to calm me down. "Can you take me to the hospital please?" Devin stood there, his mouth agape. "Wha-!"

Zac nodded and helped me up, he grabbed his car keys, I grabbed my phone, and we went the the front of the house to get in his Red 1999 Jeep Wrangler.

After I got a cast for my wrist and my doctor telling me that I had to stop practicing Lacrosse because it would only make it worse, Zac and I were headed back home.

I looked over to him and he looked like a little guilty puppy who peed in the house...on the bed. I nudged him with my cast and he glanced over to me.

"It's okay. I'm fine now. It wasn't your fault, it was mine." I smiled at him, which he returned and pulled into the driveway. We both got out and walked into the house to see Devin eating Chinese food.

"Aw! What! You didn't save any for me!? Some cousin you are." Zac mumbles after hitting Devin upside the head and running up the stairs. I stood their awkwardly and Devin cleared his throat.

"I-uhm, I'm sorry about me snapping earlier. I was just caught up in the moment and stuff. Are you okay now?" I nodded and began walking up the stairs.

"I'm gonna get ready for the party. I'll see if Zac can give me--"

"NO! I don't want you to get hurt-!" He stumbles over his words. "I mean, Zac is pretty crazy when it comes to parties. Just wanna make sure you're okay..." He scratches the back of his neck nervously and swallows.

I laugh quietly at him and disappear up the stairs to get ready.
*2 hours later*

After taking a shower and successfully curling my non-tamable hair, I stood in my mirror and looked myself over. And not to brag, but damn, I looked good.

I wore ripped high-waisted jeans with a black flannel wrapped around my waist, a black/white crop top, with white Doc Martens. I had on eye liner, mascara, black lipstick, and my studded nose ring in. After glancing myself over once more, I brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouthwash, grabbed my phone, keys, purse, and headed downstairs to wait on Dev & Zac.
Devin's POV

After being a stuttering and nervous wreck, I went to my bathroom and took a shower and washed my hair. I hopped out, wrapping the towel around my waist and decided on what to wear.

I picked out red/black Jordans, a tight-fitting white cut off shirt, a black beanie, and some black skinny jeans. I cut my hair a while back and it kinda looks all tough and grunge like so I left it wet to dry and got dressed.

After getting dressed, I slipped my shoes and beanie on, grabbing my phone and car keys, making my way downstairs. I would be lying if I said I didn't almost trip down the stairs after looking at Becca. That outfit she wore was so simple, but on her, it made her look like a goddess. 'Shit, I gotta have her. Tonight's the night.' I stepped down on the last step and she glanced up from her phone and her wandering eyes didn't go unnoticed by me.

I smirked. "See somethin you like? I may be a nerd and quiet, but I got a body like Hercules." I lifted up my shirt a bit so she could see my V-Line then pulled it back down and flexed and went to sit by her, laughing.

"Boy, don't try me. Where's Zac?" As soon as the words left her mouth, he came prancing down the stairs in black jeans and a red button up with a 'Chicago Bulls' SnapBack.

"Are you two lovers ready? Because...I'M READY TO PARTAYYYYYYY!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed Becca's hand and walked out the door. 'God, it's gonna be a long night with this asshole.'

We all piled in my Range Rover and drove to the party. Pulling onto the curb, we all got out and looked at each other and broke out into grins.

"Let's go part like its 1999!" Zac ran ahead of us as Becca and I walked slowly to the door, still hand-in-hand.

"Well, let's enjoy the night and hope nothin bad happens." I told her and wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked into the house filled with grinding bodies, sweat, and smoke.

Here ye areeeeeee! I changed the characters of Devin & Becca to Alex Saxon and Keke Palmer.

What do you guys think about Devin and Becca? Jake? Zac?

Leave comments and vote! Enjoy! Until next time, farewell my little walkers🤓👋🏾

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