Chapter 15- A Not-So-Informative Discussion

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Noelle and Steve watched unmoving as Tony and Thor handed Loki back over to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Thor still didn't appear all too pleased, but Noelle wasn't sure if it was because of them or Loki.

"He had plenty of time to run if he wanted to," Noelle said grimly.

Steve's lips were pursed. "I don't like it any more than you do, but what choice do we have?"

She sighed and gave the Captain a sideways glance. "We're as stupid as he thinks we are if we take him back to that Helicarrier."

"And if we don't? What will Fury say?

Noelle was about to say she didn't care what Fury thought, but she realized she would be a hypocrite otherwise. Just as she had told Thor that Loki was their prisoner, Loki was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s prisoner and she had no right to take him either.

She would negotiate with Fury later. There were bigger things at stake, like finding the Tesseract. Loki did not have the Tesseract with him and as far as Noelle knew, Dr. Banner and S.H.I.E.L.D. still hadn't found it. They might have captured Loki, but it did them no good if he wouldn't give up the Tesseract.

Maybe that was where Thor would prove useful. After all, he knew Loki better than anyone right?

Natasha had landed the Quinjet not far off and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents took the trickster god back into custody.

Noelle was about to follow Tony and Steve back onto the plane when she noticed Thor just standing there, a frown on his face and looking very torn. She stopped.

"You know your brother better than anyone," she said. "We could use your help."

It was his turn to sigh. "I do not know..."

Noelle went up to him. She hadn't realized how tall he actually was until now.

"I don't like giving him over to S.H.I.E.L.D. either, but will you do any good by not coming with us?"

Thor seemed to consider this.

Noelle lowered her voice. "Loki has the Tesseract. I'm not sure if–"

Thor nodded. "I know. It's why I came here in the first place."

Noelle wondered if she should mention the second Infinity Stone. But Thor would learn about it soon enough if he did join them...

"He also had a Scepter which has another powerful artifact inside it too."

Thor's face looked even graver.

"I will go with you," he consented. "I am responsible for Loki either way."

He wasn't responsible for his brother. No more responsible than she had been for–

She swallowed. No, she wouldn't say anything.

Pushing Anakin Skywalker out of her mind, she turned her attention back to Thor.

"Then welcome to the team. I'm Noelle Smith, the Ghost, and you've already met Captain Rogers and Tony Stark, the Iron Man." She rolled her eyes thinking about the genius billionaire.

Surprisingly the faintest hint of a smile was on Thor's lips, despite how concerned he still appeared. "I'm Thor of Asgard, son of Odin. It is good to meet you. I wish it was under more pleasant circumstances."

Noelle wished it was too. Most of the people she has met so far seemed like really nice peoplethey couldn't replace the family she had before, but they were a decent bunch.

Fury was a pain in the neck like he had always been. Steve was a good guy. Natasha was a bit mysterious and stand-offish, but Noelle liked her. Dr. Banner could use some work on his social anxiety, although he honestly couldn't be blamed.

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