Chapter 33- Attack on Asgard

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"Your eyes were glowing red."

"What? Nuh uh." Noelle frowned at Thor in disbelief.

"They were," he insisted. "Whenever I've seen you fight before, your eyes were glowing blue– but they were red when you did your thing yesterday."

Noelle pondered that. If it was true, then it was more than a bit troubling. It confirmed what she already suspected about the Aether having control of her body. "I didn't know my eyes glowed when I used my powers," she said after a long moment.

"They do," Thor assured her.

"I'm not sure if that's really a good thing," Noelle said. She wasn't sure she liked this new information she was learning about herself.

"I like it. It makes you look powerful," Thor observed.

They were on their way back to the palace to meet this special person Thor wanted to introduce her to and they somehow had gotten on this peculiar topic of her eye color. Noelle couldn't remember how, but it was definitely enlightening information. She never seemed to stop learning about how the Mind Stone had effectively changed her body and her connection with the Force– for better or for worse.

"So who is this person you wanted me to meet?" she asked, clearing her throat.

"One of my family," Thor replied simply.

She raised her eyebrows. "I've already met two of your family members, and I don't think either of them liked me very much."

Thor laughed. "This one will like you. I promise."

When they reached the palace steps, Thor offered her his hand, which she graciously accepted. Getting up the steps wasn't difficult just yet, but it was tiring.

He led her down a series of hallways and turns to get to their destination, stopping every few moments to make sure she wasn't falling behind. Even if Noelle had been feeling fine, he walked a lot faster than she did. Finally, they reached a large room that had an open balcony, and there stood a beautiful older woman, wearing a sky blue, shimmering velvet dress and golden armor. Noelle thought she looked stunning.

"Noelle, may I present to you my mother Frigga, the Queen of Asgard."

"Your Highness." Noelle bowed, not knowing what else to do and she saw Frigga smile. "Sorry, I'm not the best at curtsying," she explained, still in a bit of a state of awe.

"Welcome to Asgard," the Queen said warmly, and much more kindly than the way Odin had presented himself. "Thor has already told me so much about you."

How was it that everyone on Asgard already seemed to know who she was? Noelle side-glanced at Thor, and he shifted uncomfortably, avoiding her gaze. She smiled, raising her eyebrows. Honestly, she couldn't be more flattered. "Did you tell everyone here about me?"

"A few people," Thor said quickly.

His nervousness was actually kind of cute, Noelle decided. Frigga was smiling too, but she shifted the conversation to another topic.

"How are you feeling, young one?" she asked her kindly, taking both her hands.

This time Noelle didn't flinch in surprise. She could see that Thor got his habit of making physical touch with others from his mother, given that his father was so stand-offish.

"I'm... feeling the same," Noelle replied hesitantly, looking down.

"We're doing everything we can to help you," Frigga said soothingly. "And in the meantime we'll do everything we can to make you comfortable."

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