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New York, Manhattan 13:15 PM

" Mr Dominguez, a Mrs Sanders Hamilton is out here waiting for you. Should I let her in?" The receptionist asked as Lia stared at her. She was dressed in an all black leather gown and red heels. Her hair covered her forehead and the sides of her face. She also put on a pair of dark sunglasses "Okay sir" Lia heard the receptionist say and gave her a toothy smile " you can go in ma'am" she shrugged and Lia rolled her eyes "Finally" she swerved to the elevator and got in. After a while, she found the office and stepped in " Hello Mr Dominguez" Lia said taking off a glasses and allowing her bright Sienna eyes to come into view. She shut the door behind her and the man behind the desk spoke "who are you? you're not Sanders"  " how rude you didn't even offer me a seat, don't worry I'll help myself"  Lia  smiled broadly and sat opposite him " who are you and what do you want? I'm extremely busy and I don't have time for games" " believe me when I say I'm not here for games, in fact when I start speaking you're going to be a lot more serious."  Lia paused and stood up staring at the man in front of her " from what I've gathered, you're a 56 year old man born and raised in North Carolina. You were married for 20 years before your wife, Carmen Vancouver died. You have no children and also no next of kin therefore leaving you with no one to take over your businesses when you die. You molested, abused and killed Maisha Howard on the 19th of March and then buried her corpse in her boyfriend's backyard. You have a secret safe filled with billions of looted money for in case you go bankrupt"  she paused to stare at his reaction. He looked dumbfounded and astonished Lia almost smirked. "Well, it may surprise you to find out that the billions stashed in that safe which was buried half a mile under your penthouse in Toulouse, France has been retrieved single-handedly by me"  she couldn't help smiling at the old man in front of her. He looked like he was going to pass out "25% of the money was given to the family of Maisha Howard and the rest....Well, let's say goes the person who figured you out. " " that..... that can be possible"  he stammered  and Lia couldn't help herself, she smiled " What do you want from me? Who are you?" "I want your life Jeffery, tell the devil I said hi" After that being said, a bullet was put through his head and Jeffrey Dominguez dropped dead on the floor. Lia left the office and then the firm, she walked for a few minutes before sitting on a bench "done" she said over the phone "Good. The money has been sent"  the other person said and that was all she needed to hear before she hung up. She walked carelessly on the roadside and hailed a cab "Andrews Mansion" she said before sitting in the car.

Nepal 12:37PM

"I'll see that the job gets done as soon as possible" said the tall man in black. Kyle hung up as he continued walking beside 2 hefty men each on one of his sides. He dialed another number "Beatriz, schedule a meeting with Dan Olson by 5:00pm" " Yes sir" the lady replied. Kyle and his two bodyguards had gotten to the Black Range Rover and hopped in.
 It was all smooth sailing till the driver slowed down a bit "Cisco what is it?" Kyle asked impatiently but before Cisco could turn around to reply, a bullet was shot through the window and went in between his chest. Kyle gasped running to take control of the wheels. When he parked the car, he saw that the man was not Cisco but somebody else "Emmerete, Busch"  Kyle whispered as the two bodyguards sat up alerted, their guns were out of their pockets as they carefully peered out of the window Emmerette got down first and looked around using the car at the type of shield. Kyle was arranging the documents in his car with trembling fingers " call my father Busch"  he said with a shakey voice " there's no sight of anybody si..."  Emmerette began but before he could get into the car he dropped dead after a bullet pierced the right side of his head "Busch"  Kyle yelled panicking as he bent low to pick Emmerette's gun " he's not picking up sir"  Busch said. "Give me the damn phone and get us out of here" he ordered as he forcefully shut the car door. Busch maneuvered his way to the front seat and stepped on the accelerator. After some seconds, two black jeeps appeared coming out from the left side of the road. Kyle was at the front seat now and turned around  to see who was after him "Tyson Connor" He clenched his fists Before hitting it severally on the dashboard "drive faster" he ordered before cocking his gun. The car behind them also picked up it's  pace. Kyle took his right hand out of the window and shot at them while they shot back and their bullets were doing serious damage to his car. He tried his father's number again  and luckily goy through "Father I need help,Tyson Connor and his men are chasing after us We need backup"  Kyle yelled "Where are you son?" His father asked "We just got down from the bridge close to the ports" He replied "All right I'll send some backup" he cut the phone after that and kept shooting. He managed  to hit the driver of the first car and it skidded off the road causing an explosion. Tyson was still alive in the second car "Busch step on it they're getting closer" Kyle warned but his warning came late as Tysons car was already beside them. Before Kyle could bring his gun out to shoot, Tyson shot Busch in the head. The car swerved  uncontrollably along the road side and Kyle had to jump out of the moving car. It later crashed into a tree by the side and caught fire. The car Tyson was in came to a halt as the person they were after was left vulnerable. Kyle ran into the woods and Tyson with two of his men ran after him. "Robinson!"  Tyson yelled as he held his gun in his hand walking carelessly and although he looked carefree, his steps were calculated and organized. Kyle kept running as Tysons men were directly behind him. He slipped and fell giving away for the men to get a hold of him "we've got him" one of them said through the walkie talkie " please let me go, I... I promise to pay double of what that cheap bastard pays you, please just let me go, I beg you" Kyle pleaded as they dragged him up. The men laughed at him and Kyle used the chance to take one of their guns and shoot. He shot one of the men but before he could do anything else, Tyson appeared behind them and shot his left leg. Kyle groaned falling to the floor. " You should have listened Robinson" Tyson sighed with his left hand in his pants suit pocket "My father will come for you Connor if I die you also die"  he coughed out blood " Seems like you won't be making it to that appointment by 5:00"  Tyson said before shooting him in between his eyes.

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