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Reece blinked severally as he moved slowly regaining consciousness. He was tied to a chair and was blindfolded. He tried to remain calm but couldn't. Who could do this to him? Audrey? Audrey played pranks on him like that.....major pranks. There was a time that she pretended to be dead and Reece actually cried. He wondered if she was pranking him again. "Audrey?" He called but got no reply. The room sounded empty although there were 3 people in it

"Hello? What's going on?" He asked but still got no reply
Reece remained quiet engulfed in thoughts, thinking he was in one of his bad dreams until he heard a voice "where is he?" The man inquired "here sir" was the reply as the doors swung open causing a cool whirl of wind to slap Reece's face. "Reece" the man called smiling "who is there? What's going on?" He inquired frustrated.

Darnell took off the boys blindfold and Reece stared at the old pot bellied man in his front

"My name is Darnell Robinson and you have been kidnapped Son" the man smiled and Reese sighed. "I don't even know you"  "but your sister does and she's gonna pay the price for going against me" Darnell smiled ordering one of his men to bring a  phone.


Thalia's telephone rang in her office and she stood up to take the call "Yes?" she spoke first "Hello Thalia Andrews, it's Darnell"  "what do you want?" She asked  checking her watch and looking at Ryder who was organizing some papers on the sofa "you didn't do the job and I've paid you already"  "you paid half and I don't want to kill Tyson" She said. Ryder stared up at her paying full attention "but I want my money back and I want revenge"  "look Robinson, I have other important things to do, don't....." "Lia?" Thalia paused hearing her brother's voice.

Her voice disappeared as her blood turned cold "Reece?" She whispered and Ryder stood up moving closer to Thalia "we have your brother and he's going to be dead in the next three days with or without my money. Never go against me Thalia I can also be very brutal" "Darnell...' Thalia began but the call has ended. "Ma'am" Ryder spoke holding Thalia's shoulder "They have Reece" she said sitting down and holding her head "I'll get some water" he suggested but she stopped him "I need Contos and you to get me men and guns..... lots of guns" she said holding her chest "we need a strategy fast get me Contos!!"  Thalia  yelled losing her head.



Audrey sat alone in class.

Reece still hadn't called or texted, It was like he just vanished she scribbled curses on her note till the class was over.

She walked alone, sat alone and ate alone. It all felt so strange but yet a voice in her head kept saying 'you knew he would still leave just like everybody else'

She sighed thinking about him and wondering if he was okay as she walked to her mother's hospital.

She had done her surgeries a few days before and was still in a coma. Audrey went to the receptionist and spoke "Mrs Oswald Please" Audrey smiled smelling the bouquet of roses she bought on her way there

"There's no one by that name miss," the receptionist said "there is, she's my mother. Check Well please" she said frustrated. The receptionist was taking too much time and She still had to get to work "I'm sorry ma'am but that patient passed away last night" The lady said and Audrey felt like strangling her "you're mixing it up! Mrs Mary Bridget Oswald, She was fine yesterday! Check well, Ugh!" Audrey yelled and people started staring

"I'm sorry but she's no more" The receptionist continued and Audrey glared storming into the hospital passage looking for her mother's doctor

"Mr Danvers!" she called "Audrey" he smiled "My mother?" Audrey asked with her heart pounding hard against her rib cage "didn't the nurse tell you? She passed last night,  I'm sorry dear"  "Are you crazy?? That's not possible! She.... She has done the surgery you said.... you... you said she will be fine" Audrey stuttered with tears flooding her eyes as she acted like a child whose favorite toy was taken from her

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