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Tyson sat in his chair. Files were scattered on his desk and two buttons of his shirt were opened already as he drank some whiskey out of his glass cup

He had been doing some research on Thalia Andrews because he couldn't stop thinking of her and because Emily was still plastered in his head. He stood up walking to the window he loved staring out of so much with his drink in his left grasp, he ran his fingers through his hair deliberating on what he found out about the woman who he was having a meeting with soon

"Mr Connors" Thalia said entering his office and Tyson turned around. He stared at his watch, it was 9:29

"you're one minute early Thalia"  "better than being a minute late" she smirked walking towards him. Tysons srared. Her hair was still blonde and she was dressed in a black top, black jeans and black boots "why do you love black so much?"  "What did you want to talk about Tyson?" she asked sitting on his desk as he stared at her

"I need your help. I know you're and assassin and you specialize in murder" "accurate" she smirked "but you're also very smart and you're an excellent investigator, so I wanted you to help me with something I haven't been able to figure out"  "your father's murder" Thalia said staring at him with a cold look on her face

"yes, I'll pay you...."  "I don't want it. I don't want your money. I'll help you find your father's killer but instead of money I want loyalty" "loyalty?"  "Yes be loyal to me" "I already was"  "good then" he glanced at her carefully. Her hair was as long as Emily's and she rested on the desk the same way she did.

He moved closer to her, her eyes were blue. He thought he was going crazy because Emily's eyes were red. He wondered how possible it was for two different people from different lines of work were so similar

"I know your secret Thal" he said and she raised her head up giving him a powerful glare "which of them?" she smirked

"I know youre also investigating your father's murder" Tyson said and she tensed up. She stood up from the desk and walked around the office "I don't mean any harm I just want to help"

"I don't need your help" she said turning to him with her powerful Aura returning "calm down, I'm sorry I just wanted to help" Tyson soothed and she stayed quiet

"I'll be in touch to inform you about what else found out about your father's case goodbye Tyson" Thalia said and left the office.

He sighed.


New York, Manhattan

Thalia stared as Reece and Audrey walked down the stairs hand in hand and side by side. Reece was wearing a pink top with bright blue shorts and white sneakers. She smiled, he never liked bright colors, he was used to wearing black and other dark colors especially when their parents died

Audrey was smiling too, her hair was straightened as she packed it to the back. She was wearing a yellow long sleeved crop top and a short white pleated skirt. She wore white sneakers too. "Hey sis," Reece greeted noticing her staring "How are you guys?" She asked after clearing her throat and resuming reading her newspaper

"We're good" Audrey answered as they sat down and at breakfast together


Tyson sighed in his bed with his laptop in his front he was gathering intell on Thalia and Emily. The fact that they were so much alike was intriguing and he needed to get the bottom of it

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