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New York Manhattan
11:43 AM

Thalia set her gun down on a roof opposite one of Tyson Connor's companies. She laid flat on the ground putting her eye through the guns round microscope and positioning herself. Tyson finally came out of his establishment with a phone to his ear. She adjusted herself on the floor before shooting. She took the shot but the bullet only grazed his arm as he bent low to pick his wallet. Tyson groaned resting on the wall beside him and bringing out his gun, his bodyguard was already in front of him, pointing his gun upward. Thalia cursed packing her equipment and running down the stairs. She went through an alley to avoid being seen but Tyson's bodyguard still saw her and started shooting. She ran to the road shoving people aside and shooting back, she stared at her watch and then at Tyson who had gotten into his car. She halted and ran back heading for her own vehicle as the man chasing her was shot by Ryder who was acting as a Passer by. Thalia followed Tyson and shot at his car tires and windows. The car broke down and Tyson swerved to the right so that it would hit the wall and cause little smoke. He ran out of the car and into an alley, climbing up some metal stairs and hiding in a corner. He tore a sleeve off his shirt and used it to tie up his wound which was profusely bleeding. He held his gun and stood up peeking out for any sign of his assassin and there she was, with a gun in her hand, with eyes of an eagle and a physique that almost made him question God. She moved slowly through the alley pointing her gun forward and upward when she heard sounds. Tyson shot at her and she hid by a wall shooting back. He kept shooting as he ran down the stairs to escape the ladies wrath. When he finally got down, his bullets had finished. He cursed but still kept moving realizing he would have to kill her first. Thalia shot at him while he used pillars to hide and block. Her bullets finished and Tyson came out with his empty gun in his hand. He smirked at her throwing it on the ground and walking towards her. Thalia stared for a while before throwing her gun on his head and grabbing a stick on the floor. He realized that she was no joke and that she was an expert. Thalia walked to him and used her left hand to give him a jab before using the stick to hit his abdomen He held the stick and twisted her hand, pinning her to the wall. Thalia raised her leg up in between Tysons spread ones and he groaned moving back. She dragged his hair and gave him blows on the face. Tyson pushed her off and grabbed her neck, he hit her across the face, kicked her stomach and then ran out of the alley. She stood up, cleaning the blood on her face. She ran out of the alley but she was too late. Tyson was nowhere to be found.

Audrey sat at her usual table but that day her eyes were focused on someone; Reece. She had misjudged him and she felt it was right to apologize. She stood up and walked to his table, Reece saw her coming and stared  at her until she got to his table "Reece" She called out and he looked at her, So did the others at the table "I'm sorry for what I said the last time. I misjudged you and I put a wrong label on you" she said avoiding  his gaze. Reece just stared wondering if everyone else heard what she said. Audrey Oswald apologized?! Reece nodded as he didn't even know how to formulate words at the time.

New York, Manhattan
10:27 PM

Reece held his umbrella over his head as he walked along the roadside. He was doing his normal routine of clearing his head by walking around specific area in Manhattan. He went to a store to get sandwiches and kept them in a brown bag. He got to the Subway and found Audrey there....
as expected. He walked to her and handed her the bag "I don't want it" she said without even looking at him Reece sat beside her "Have you even eaten tonight?" he asked opening the bag and the aroma of the sandwiches almost choked Audrey "No" came her stiffled reply as she moved away from him like a disease "just have a bite" he urged and she stared at him before doing what he said "Is itgood?" he asked and she nodded. Reece Frowned "I don't think it's that good, take another bite and have another opinion" he said moving the sandwich to her lips. That was how he fed the entire sandwich to Audrey. He didn't know why, but he cared about her "So will you finally tell me why you're out here?" he asked 'I don't have any money for rent but I'm working on it" She said "would you stay in my house?" he suggested "no" she shrugged and he nodded. He liked the fact that the girl wanted to be independent but he also wanted her to know when to accept help. They kept talking till Audrey started feeling  drowsy.  He tucked her in with a blanket He brought and left his umbrella there for in case he would rain the next day. Reece went home.

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