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Lia sat in Henry Connors chair, drumming her fingers on his desk and staring at the empty space in her front

She had been searching his office for up to 2 hours but found nothing that could help with her investigation

A few minutes passed and something in his drawer caught her eye. It was a piece of paper where a rough drawing was, but there was an important name on that paper.... Ethan Andrews

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It was 7:48pm and Lia sat in her chair staring at the paper on her desk

"ma'am, Mr Tyson is here" Ryder alerted through the intercom

She sighed closing her eyes before she heard a knock on door "yes?" she said and Tyson came in smiling "Hey, I bagged the deal with the oil company" "great" She said not so enthusiastic

"How did your day go?" he asked moving closer to kiss her but she pushed him back "don't touch me Tyson" She said and he drew his brows together "what happened?" he asked

"What the f*** is this?" she asked throwing him the paper on her desk. Tyson stared at the scribbled drawing wondering what it was "You tell me, I can't see s***, I don't get it"  "that was the plan for my parents' murder" she glared at him and he stared back

"That's interesting" he said and Lia clenched her jaw "interesting? Your f****** father was the one who planned my parents' murder and that's interesting??" she yelled and the veins could be seen on her neck ""that's not possible, calm down Lia" "Im not calming down, don't tell me to calm down. These are the plans, this is exactly how it went, how it happened!" She screamed at him

Her eyes had turned red and Tyson yelled back "My father couldn't have done it, Our parents were friends dammit! And my father would never kill a soul" Lia scoffed giving a fake laugh and running her fingers through her hair, breathing heavily.

She felt used and betrayed and she hated herself for letting her guard down. "They were friends? Why didn't you tell me they knew each other?"  "I just didn't think it was important, They're both dead it doesn't matter"  "I can't believe I f****** trusted you!" she sighed pacing the room. "Lia" he called out and she turned to glare at him still fuming

"I told you all my secrets and you knew my parents' murderer"  "my dad didn't kill your parents, please just think, why would he do it? Yeah, you found plans and s*** but that doesn't mean anything..." "No, it means everything, it means he orchestrated it so stop trying to defend him, the proof is in your f****** face!" She yelled and Tyson walked briskly towards her

He stared into her eyes with warmth and she glared at him breathing in heavily with moisture in her eyes "please trust me Lia, I know how important they were to you and I'd never hide this from you. I knew my father, he couldn't do it" he whispered with pleading eyes. He didn't want what they had to just end. He was happy, he was fond of her and he admired her so much, he liked to getting to know her and trying to understand her.

He liked seeing her vulnerability, he liked seeing her strength. He didn't want what they shared to end. Her being in his life was the best thing that happened to him in years and he was scared to lose her

"Please just trust me" He whispered on her lips before kissing her. Lia stood still as he held her waist because she couldn't touch him

He was sharing the same blood with the person who took her happiness away. It hurt her so much because she had started getting attached to him, She had started having feelings for him

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