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New York, Queens

Thalia opened her eyes observing her surroundings. She was in a cabin. She tried to move her arms but she couldn't.  The pain in her right leg was still there. Her arms were restrained to a chair and so were her legs. Her head was still bleeding and the throbbing had reduced a bit. She blew her hair away from her face for a clearer view and in her front stood Tyson Connor. His hands were on his jean pockets and he had removed his suit. He was left in a white long sleeved button up shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows and he undid 2 of his buttons so that his chest came to view. Tyson stared at the woman in front of him, she was supposed to be helpless all tied up in a chair, but the way she looked at him made him feel like he was the one in the chair. "Thalia Andrews, Brooklyn's number one assassin" he began "what do you want from me sweetheart?" He asked "Isn't it obvious?" Thalia stared up at him and he nodded facing the ground. He never liked keeping eye contact with people, especially someone like her who looked so intimidating. " who hired you?" He asked but she kept quiet "I know you don't want to kill me for personal reasons because I don't know you" he continued walking around the cabin. Thalia shrugged and sat up in her seat. Tyson just stared "A 22 year old assassin, holding one of the highest positions in the state..... I must say that's impressive. But the biggest mistake in your career was when you accepted the contract for my life, because I'm also very dangerous and I can hurt you in ways unimaginable" Thalia starred at him, who the f*** did he think he was? "I'm not scared of you Connor, I'm not even scared of death" Thalia said and he smirked  "I know, that's probably why I find you so fascinating but I know you have weaknesses, everybody has that and that's your 16-year old brother who's in his 11th year in Windsworth High" Thalia kept her head down so Tyson wouldn't know if his statement affected her or not "you see I also do my homework Thalia" She raised her head up "you couldn't get to him even if you tried" she said and Tyson laughed "don't joke like that"  "what do you have against Darnell Robinson?" she asked and his smile vanished "is he the one after my life?" He asked but she kept quiet "I can't believe that old man figured out I killed his son.... ugh, f*** him"  "Why did you kill his son?" Thalia asked shrugging in her seat "don't bother, you'll never get free. I killed his son because he was in my way" he said moving aside, into a stall. Thalia stared at the two wild dogs that came out beside him after a while. He smirked and she did the same "think I'm afraid if your little pets?" she raised her brows "you should be" he replied sitting them down opposite her. He went to a stand directly opposite her and placed a gun there. It was facing her chest but if she turned a bit, it would be facing her left arm. Tyson tied another rope to her leg "Now, " he sighed standing up "if you try to move or escape, you will pull the rope connected to the lever of the shotgun. So be a nice little girl and behave he said before leaving.

Thalia examined the situation in her head. She took a deep breath before turning to the side and moving her legs so that the gun would shoot the rope tied to her left arm. It did and although the bullet gave her an injury, she was still set free. She untied herself after tearing parts if her sleeve to tie her arm. The wild dogs were already alerted and had started growing and moving closer to her. She stared at them, standing still. She maneuvered her way to where the shotgun was but before she could grab a hold of it, one of the dogs pounced on her. They struggled on the floor and Thalia brought out the knife which she put in her boots. She stabbed the dog and it howled lowly. She stood up and grabbed the gun quickly shooting the other dog. She sighed packing her hair in a ponytail and staring out the small and almost invisible window in the cabin.
She took slow paced breaths as she gripped the gun in her hand tightly and checking to see how many bullets she had left. There were up to four men outside the cabin, Each of them positioned in different places. She put her hand to her neck and sighed.

She came out of the cabin slowly. There was a man a few feet to her right but he hadn't seen her yet. She walked stealthily using the darkness and the mansion's  walls and pillars as she shields. She appeared behind the men and stabbed him severely putting her other arm over his mouth to avoid him making a noise. She walked to the gate and entered the small office beside it, she pointed her gun at the security men and they opened the gate for her. She shot one of them to cause a distraction and then ran out.
"Sir the girl has escaped" Hudson said running into Tyson's room he sighed and followed him to the cabin which was a few miles away from his mansion. He saw that his dogs were dead and that she had taken the gun. He also saw that there was blood on the floor. Tyson smiled, He liked that she didn't know when to give up, it was as if the word didn't exist in her dictionary "she's hurt, find her she couldn't have gone far" he said and Hudson nodded speaking into his walkie talkie "all units, I repeat all units, I want a full perimeter search for the hostage, over"
Tyson placed his hand in his pockets, he knew that Thalia would have gone already, based on her level of skill and precision but he wanted to be sure that she wasn't still adamant on taking his life.

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