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New York, Manhattan

Emily yawned stretching a bit

She got down from her car with Noah and Josh. Ryder and Mike came to help with their luggage when Lia noticed an odd car packed amidst her cars

"Hey, who has that car?" "ma'am, It's Tyson Connors" Aries answered and she shot a glare at him "what?" "He's inside ma'am, with Reece and Audrey. He told us that you knew he was here..." "get out of my f****** face Aries, how could you be so dumb and Ryder, putting Reece in danger?"

"Lia he poses no threat. He's just hanging out with them" "Yeah sure, till he turns crazy and threatens Reece's life" Noah said a little upset. Lia closed her eyes before opening them again and then walking to her front door swinging it open.

Noah and Josh followed her Lia and saw Tyson standing in front of Reece with a huge smile and a knife in his grasp.

Her gaze widened and she immediately pulled her gun out pointing it at him. Noah did the same and Tyson dropped the knife and pulled out his gun at Noah.  Reece's jaw dropped as he pulled Audrey closer to him

Emily glared at Tyson, her intense case cutting his flesh open. "Reece go to your room with Audrey" Lia nodded and he finally spoke "what the hell are you doing with the gun and what is going on?" "Reece just do as I said" She said again  with her jaws ticking

"I need explanations Emily, you can't keep treating me like a f****** kid. I deserve to know what the f*** is going on and don't think of hurting Ty, because he hasn't done anything" 

"Go to your f****** room Reece! I don't want to hear your b******* right now, this is f****** serious and I don't need you getting hurt or shot or even watching me kill this moron, now do as I said and stop trying to get involved  with  matters that don't concern you" she shot at him with her hard gaze piercing into his soul and Reece left with all Audrey following silently behind him

"That was a little harsh" Tyson said staring at Emily. He wondered who the man beside her was, he was holding her waist so.....possessively and Tyson didn't like that one bit

"What are you doing in my house" Lia asked "who the hell is he?" Tyson stared at Noah who remained mute with Josh silently watching behind them

"Let's all put our guns down now" Ryder said coming in and Tyson put his gun back in his pants. Noah did the same coming into the house with Josh and then Emily finally put her gun down

She stared at Tyson who stared back "you didn't answer me, who is he and why was he holding your waist like that?"  He raised his brows with his hands still in his pockets "because she's my girlfriend" Noah smirked and Tyson gave a bitter laugh "girlfriend?" he stared at Emily still smiling "You never mentioned him" he said and she moved closer to him so that their faces were inches apart

She stared up into his eyes "Are you jealous?" she asked the bluntly and Noah smirked still standing in front of his boyfriend. Tyson glared at her

He spent two weeks trying together evidence and trying to prove his father's innocence just to gain her trust and love back. Because he wanted her, because he loved her....... and now she had a boyfriend? The f***? "Yes" he replied

"I'm his girlfriend and that's Josh.... his boyfriend" She said and Tyson drew his brows together

"He's gay Ty," she cleared up feeling exhausted

Tyson stared at Josh putting his arms around Noah's waist and he raised his brows "Interesting," he said "What are you doing here Tyson?" she asked again

"I have evidence proving my father's innocence and I also have news" "can we talk about this tomorrow, I'm exhausted" she shrugged forgetting she was supposed to be mad at him. The whiskey she had consumed was starting to have effects on her. Tyson nodded

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