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New York, Manhattan

Tyson stepped out of his car with his face staring at the phone in his right hand and his brief case in his left grasp. By his two sides were one man and one woman, each in black suits.

They headed into the building together. Tyson got into the elevator after picking a call from his assistant "Valerie are the reports I asked for ready on my desk?" "Yes sir, You also have a scheduled appointment with Mr Briars, one of the shareholders of Destiny Foundation." "Okay thank you Val. What time is the meeting?" "By 1:45 PM sir, You also have a board meeting by 2:30 pm sir" "Okay Val arrange the files on the ABC cooperations, I think I have a scheduled meeting the day after tomorrow" "Yes sir, I'll get to that right now"

Tyson stepped out of the elevator and into his office. He sat on his leather chair after placing his brief case on the floor and opening the button of his suit jacket. He stared down at the paper work on his desk and called Valerie again

"Val," "Yes sir?" "Hurry up with a file I told you about and get me some strong black coffee right now" "will do" "Thanks"

A few minutes passed and after Tyson was done organizing his files and work, he moved to the ABC Corporations file. He stood up from his chair and moved to the window resting on it as he calmly read the file

Apparently, the company was doing well but a shareholder, David Brown wanted to tell his shares and Reece was interested. He knew it would be good for his business if he was a shareholder of one of the biggest corporations in the world.

He sighed as he carefully went through the list of partners "Josh Abraham, Peter Davidson, Michael Richards, Emily Watt..." He paused "Emily Watt...." he muttered wondering where he had had the name but before he could think farther, Val entered the office "sir, Mr Briars is out here waiting for his scheduled appointment. Can I call him in?" "Yes Val, Thank you" He replied as Valerie put his coffee on the table.


"Sir, Miss Audrey is here to see you" "Please let her in" Reece replied struggling to sit up. He wasn't putting on a shirt and was left in his gray sweatpants and striped socks

"Hey" Audrey announced her arrival after shutting the door "Hey" Reece smiled up at her. She looked better than she did a few days ago "how are you?" Reece asked "I should be asking you that" " answer my question Drey" "I'll be fine, you're here so I'm sure I'll be fine" she shrugged and he stood up holding his rib

"Hey, what are you....?" "shut up" Reece ordered walking to her and she held him "don't wear yourself out. You should be resting, if you keep doing this I'll stop visiting" "Shut up, I know you can't live without me" he smirked holding her shoulders for support. Audrey frowned as she realized he was right

She avoided his gaze and wanted to escape his grip but Reece pulled her closer "it's fine, I can't live without you either" he smiled and Audrey looked up at him before laughing
"what are you doing maniac? You're pressing me further into the ground" she said noticing how heavy his arms were. Reece slid his arms around her waist "is this more convenient?" "very nice" she flushed.

Audrey placed her palms on his bare chest and stared into his intense eyes. They looked so happy, she played with his hair while smiling wishing that they would never part ways

Reece on the other hand, was fighting a serious battle in his head and heart wondering if this was the perfect time to kiss her and searching deep within himself For the answer to the question of loving Audrey Oswald

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