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Thalia didn't go home the previous night so she didn't know about Audrey sleeping in the guest room.

Reece rested on the wall of the Large and elegant room and folded his arms watching as his girlfriend slept peacefully in the bed.

She stirred in her sleep muttering some things that he couldn't really understand and he sat on the bed, beside her listening

Audrey shifted uncomfortably on the bed as Reece layed on top of her naked frame. She held him closer and tighter, running her fingers on his back as he kissed her passionately.

"Audrey" he moaned sliding his fingers  down to her middle. She squeezed the sheets tighter, wanting to protest but not able to find the words. "Audrey, my love" he continued and She tilted her neck up

Reece squinted his eyes watching Audrey twist and turn and moan. The big top he gave her was already above her waist and her underwear and thighs came into view.

"What the hell are you dreaming of Drey?" he muttered still staring at her beautiful legs and curves wich she had managed to successfully hide all the while they had known each other.

He held her waist wanting to cover her up when she pulled him closer and layed in his embrace "Drey" he called out tapping her ass

"Audrey" he said louder and she immediately opened her eyes "Reece..... I...I didn't know you slept here" she yawned sitting up "I didn't, it's 10:45 AM Audrey" Reece announced standing up and she widened her eyes "what? Why didn't you wake me up?!" She asked getting up from the bed and running into the bathroom 

"Because you were twisting and moaning like you were having sex... What's up with that?" He asked and Audrey's cheeks were red when she came out of the bathroom with a white towel draped round her

She glared at Reece and walked slowly to him "You're crazy, I could have had a nightmare" "but with the way your cheeks are red I highly doubt it. So who was with? Me?"  he smirked and Audrey cleared her throat moving away from him but Reece still pulled her closer to him trailing his fingers up her arm

"Let's make your dream reality baby" He muttered before kissing her passionately. Audrey laid her left hand on Reece's chest and used her right to hold the towel.

He carried her to his waist and layed her on the bed. Her arms were round his neck as he placed her right thigh against his waist. He trailed his kisses to her neck and arms before Audrey pushed him off

"I... I need to bathe" She stuttered running into the bathroom "ugh!" He graoned behind the door

"Come on Audrey, let me bathe you, I have magic fingers" He smirked licking his lips Although Audrey couldn't see it "go away!" She yelled through the door and he laughed. "fine, we're going shopping today Drey" he informed and she sighed "you shop like a girl, it needs to stop" "whatever" he said leaving the room.


New York, Manhattan

Tyson Layed on his bed thinking of Thalia. He was actually missing her and as strange as it may sound, some part of him wanted her to try and kill him again. Yeah he was messed up

He stood up and went over to his desk. Papers, news reports and some documents were scattered on the table and he sighed. He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure out the people who murdered his father and it was clear to him that he couldn't do it alone. He needed help from an expert and the only expert he could think of was Thalia Andrews, the woman who's expertise made his jaw drop and who's physique was to die for. The power and pride the radiated over her turned him on and he often wondered why she became an assassin.

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