10 ¬ is your life happy?

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heeseung pov
somehow my social anxiety vanished like jake was some shaman or something.

we walked quietly and somehow it was never awkward.

i can see in the corners of my eyes that he's taking glances at me, i was so nervous to look at him, maybe it will end my cold persona vibe if i look at him for a second.

we walked and walked until we made it at the park.

the park was fresh and not that noisy.

there were kids with their parents running around the ground.

there was also dogs.

i smiled when jake smiled, i was pretty sure he was the kind of person who likes babies.


layla was much more excited than jake himself, that's cute for a father and doggo trope.

jake looked at me and started a conversation.

"that's our spot right there"

he pointed the spot 3 feet away from us, i nodded and walked to the spot.

he flung out a blanket from his sling bag, i guess he made a plan to come here.

he set it at the grass.

"is this okay for you?" he asked.
"yes" i simply answered.

he pierced his lips and turned to layla.

"are you ready to play again with your friends?"

he baby talked.

i didn't got the chance to sit because the sight was unbelievable cute.

i know, i know. i sounded so whipped, but it's true.

layla wiggled her tail and barked in answer.

"be a good girl okay?" jake once again baby talked.

that followed another bark and he officially removed her collar, and layla run and jumped to go to her friends (dogs) to play.

i looked at jake and he stood like a proud father watching his daughter playing.

" he looks so lovable"

he turned at me and i immediately looked away.

"heeseungie why are you standing there? let's sit down"

he said and sat down, i immediately obeyed.

was kinda blushing when he called me 'heeseungie' damn it hee.

"so, why are you always bumping into me in the elevator?"
he started.

he looked at me with a smile.
a smile that reminiscence of kidding.

"maybe, i was stalking you"

i joked to fit his energy.

"ha ha heeseung"

he faked laughed and looked away from me.

i smiled a bit and luckily he didn't saw it.

he sighed. "are you happy with your life?" he suddenly asked.

i looked at him as he look up at the sky closing his eyes because of the sunlight.

why is he suddenly like that?
makes me think something's wrong with his.

"we don't even know each other" i quoted to make it less sad.

"then we should know each other then" he smiled and turned to me.

"hi i'm sim jaeyun but you can call me jake. i live in austrilia brisbane and i moved here when i was 17 years old to make my my dreams come true"

he introduced and smiled at me.

that's why he looks like a foreigner.

"how about you?"

damn it he looks so adorable to turn down.
ok ok get it together hee.

it took me seconds to answer. but i did answered.

"lee heeseung, 19, from gangnam before but now i lived here at seoul with my family"

"oh no!"

he suddenly said that made me worried visibly.

i raised my eyebrows to know what was wrong.

"you're older! i should call you seungie hyung"

oh my fucking lowd have mercy.

my mind and tummy was having a party and stared at him while he was giggling.

"since we already know each other, please answer my question earlier"

i looked at him, his eyes, i can't read it.

"why do you wanna know?"
"i don't know, i just didn't saw you smiling"

i did. when i'm with you. i always did.

"is that a compliment or discrimination?"
"HAHAHAHAHA no no, i'm just curious what's going on inside your head"
"it's blank, nothing special"
"impossible, people never had any blank heads unless it's a word for feelings"
"then it's my feelings"
"so you're sad with me?"
"not like that"
"then what?"
"jake i swear to god my patience is shorter than your height"

i teased.

"that's a foul right there! yep, seungi hyung k.o!"

he giggled, i tried so hard not to laugh, gosh.

suddenly layla came running back at our spot.

jake smiled and opened his arms but she instead jumped at me and licked me.

i layed down when she jumped at me, jake was right she was quite healthy.

i turned to look at jake and saw him pouting. CUTELY.

damn damn damn hee shut up shut up.

"layla" he called with a sulked voice and a :( face.

"do you not love me anymore?"
"i do"

layla barked and jumped at him too when he understood his dad's feelings.

"thought hyung will be my rival with you"

he said while rubbing her tummy.

"i will be" i teased.
i received a glare and he was still cute for that.

¬to be continued¬

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