Become Mine Please!!

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Cute idea by Micchii_0

Mikey x male reader
Genre: fluff

You were good at fighting but alone always alone thinking nobody really wants you.. But a guy made feel loved when you met him..

You were kind guy who has nothing to do with fighting but here you are fighting 10 guys who were bullying you and you had enough wanting to show them their place you fought them without worrying because you've been teaching yourself how to fight "if you'll bully me again I will send you to the hospital! Understand?" "y-yes!!" they ran away..

You sighed kneeling down to get your stuff back you wanted to cry you were working so hard on writing stories and drawings and it's all ruined even your glasses it's broken too you started to tear up wanting to go home and lock yourself in your room forever.. "hey, what's your name?" you turned around to see a guy eating dorayaki his black eyes were piercing your soul "so, what's your name?" "who are you?.. Did those bullies bring you?" "nope! I've been watching your fight! And I'm impressed so what's your name?" Mikey asked smiling "why would I?.." "I want to be your friend! You're pretty cool and I want you to join my gang!" "I'm not interested.." Mikey saw your cheek had a bruise he knelt down and poked your cheek "does it hurt?" "of course it does.. But why do you care?" "come with me and I'll help you with your bruises!" "no need I don't even know you and you want me to with you?"

Draken the babysitter came "Mikey here's your dorayaki." "you're the best Kenchin! Oh right can you bring this guy with us?" Draken sighed and carried you on his shoulder making you yelp "w-wait where are you two taking me? My bag!" "don't worry! I'm carrying it! It's in good hands!" Mikey said eating more dorayaki after a while you gave up becoming sleepy but they stopped inside a building that looks like a dojo Draken put you on the couch and sat beside Mikey "tell me why are you interested in him? First Takemichy then him?" "his fighting skills are pretty good! I want him to teach Takemichy and become a member of my gang!" Mikey smiled and sat on your lap to put a bandaid on your cheek "there!"

Mikey smiled proud of what he has done and took another dorayaki out of the bag and poked it in your lips trying to open your mouth "mr. Dorayaki wants to get eaten, open your mouth!" you shaked your head "not hungry.." Mikey puffed his cheeks and tried again Draken had to stop him "Mikey he said he's not hungry so stop this." you were looking down "why are you two nice to me? Is it because I only know how to fight?.." "nope! It's just I like you so be my bitch!" you stared at Mikey questioning "eh? Be what?" "ne, what do ya say?" you stared at Draken who's nodding in the back "I need to think about it.. Will you give me some time?" "yep! I'll give you 24 hours! You better give us an answer that'll make us satisfied!" you nodded and Mikey was still sitting on your lap making you freeze..

Few days later after you accepted to be in his gang Mikey became glued to you whenever you go he's there he even went to your school and took you from there sometimes making you and Takemichi scared from him but both of you got used to it you and Takemichi became best friends after meeting feeling the other's pain and you succeeded on teaching him how to fight. Right now Mikey went to your school again searching for you everywhere and asked few people if they saw you anywhere 'this is strange he should be in class now..' he continued to walk searching for you then heard a yelling and screams inside a storeroom in the gym he got curious and went to see what's going on hoping you're there doing a prank on him so he opened the door excited for the prank to see you're all tied up and injured, blood coming out your nose and then one of the guys kicked your stomach hard again making you cough blood this made Mikey's blood boil he kicked the door down breaking it and yeeting it away making everyone jump "who the fuck are you doing here!? Who are you?!"

You swore you saw Mikey's eyes darken more that's because his dark impulses got activated you tried to sit up but couldn't feel your legs from being injured "M-Mikey.. Please calm down I'm alright.." those bullies ran to Mikey to fight him but all of them got knocked down in seconds then Mikey walked to you and knelt down freeing you and you hugged him to calm him down "I'm fine, Mikey don't worry.." you kept on hugging Mikey trembling he carried you bridal style and left after finishing them off "Mikey.. Thank you for everything.." you kissed his cheek then passed out making Mikey worry and ran to his motorbike to save you 'please don't leave me yet! I still didn't confess properly!' Mikey took you to the hospital and waited there..

Draken and Takemichi came to see Mikey miserable while waiting for the doctor to come Takemichi sat beside Mikey patting his back then after few minutes the doctor came to tell you're still alive but lost a lot of blood "can we see him!?" "yes you may but be quiet." Mikey ran not hearing the rest of the doctor's words he opened the door to your room to see you're sleeping peacefully he sat beside you and held your hand while Draken and Takemichi looked at each other smiling leaving you two alone..

"Draken how's m/n?" "Mikey called me and said he woke up yesterday. Wanna join me to go there?" "yep!" they went to the hospital to your room they peeked to see you're cutting apples and Mikey then stood up "please be mine!" he bowed down both Draken and Takemichi were cheering for him you held Mikey's hand and smiled "I'll gladly accept, Mikey." Mikey jumped on your lap cuddling you then kissed you "yay!! I finally have you for myself!" you laughed at his childishness while blushing "you two can come out now!" you said making them surprised they came inside "m/n how did you know we were there??" "I just knew you were there.." Takemichi couldn't help it but cry and hug you too you patted their heads and smiled at Draken "glad you're okay." you nodded smiling "so tell us what exactly happened." "later Kenchin! I'm having my moment here!" the three of you laughed at Mikey's childishness..
The end

Tr Boys x Top/switch(mostly bottom) male reader Scenarios, Oneshots And Ships!! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang