Unknown Love

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Gift for Ladia_Xyrelle

Ship: Shintake
Genre: fluff to smut
Takemichi finished school waved goodbye to his friends and went to his locker to take his shoes when he saw a letter falling on the floor 'another letter?' he knelt down to take it and then walked away putting it in his bag walking to his house.

Takemichi felt someone was watching him but when he turned around he saw nobody and continued to walk home faster opening his flip phone seeing text from his friends wanting to sleep over he smiled then went inside his house.

Takemichi walked to his room that's full of Shinichiro's pictures "I'm home, Shinichiro." he kissed a plushie he made that looked like Shinichiro he had a rough day of killing those girls that rejected him then remembered the letter and took it from his bag opening it to see it was from his secret admirer again.

He read the letter it was another pickup lines it was terrible but Takemichi smiled and chuckled when he read it which made him curious of who's his secret admirer he couldn't help but think not noticing someone was stalking him through a teddy bear that has a camera inside his bow Takemichi opened his closet to change his clothes.

Shinichiro was staring at the camera he put in the teddy bear blushing at Takemichi's half naked body he wiped tissues on his nose since it was bleeding 'maybe I'll give him a gift tomorrow with a letter I love to see him smile each time he reads it.' Shinichiro began to write his letter smiling like crazy.

Takemichi came out of showering then changed his clothes going to eat something before he'll do his homework 'should I eat noodles? Oh and I'll eat pudding as a dessert! I need to buy some groceries today though.' he did eat noodles while watching TV laughing at a comedy show forgetting about feeling being watched.

Takemichi was sleeping that made a good opportunity for Shinichiro to sneak in and stare at his face looking at him with love he knelt down admiring his crush moving his hair out of his eyes loving every second of it he was staring at how Takemichi's chest was going up and down 'he looks so cute while sleeping.' Shinichiro looked to see something he didn't like a gift in Takemichi's bag that wasn't from him.

He got irritated and took the gift putting it in the trash and instead he put his gift inside the bag then kissed Takemichi's forehead before leaving giggling like an idiot he got his cigarette out to calm himself and walked away humming.

Takemichi woke up to get ready for school to see a letter besides the teddy bear he opened it to read 'good morning hope you had good dreams about me.' it made Takemichi looked from the windows to see nobody he looked around but didn't find anything then continued his routine.

Takemichi had a break and was eating bento with his friends he was laughing when he saw Shinichiro walking by he had a crush on him well.. He's crazy about him when Shinichiro noticed Takemichi staring he winked making Takemichi blush and look away quickly "oi what's wrong Takemichi?" "it's n-nothing!" he continued to eat to see Shinichiro smirking his way making Takemichi blush becoming red his friends didn't notice since they're busy laughing at Yamagishi's silly faces.

While the teacher was teaching and students were taking notes Takemichi was daydreaming about Shinichiro he then excused himself to go to the bathroom the teacher approved continuing to teach.

While Takemichi was walking back to his classroom he saw Shinichiro smoking making him stop and admire the veiw on how the wind making it look even hotter 'he's handsome as ever.' Shinichiro then looked towards Takemichi 'is he looking at me or is someone behind me?' then Shinichiro walked towards Takemichi "hello there." "sorry if I bothered you." "you didn't, I was actually wanting to talk to you for a while." "eh? Why me?" "you seem pretty interesting and wanted to know about you." Takemichi felt so happy his crush is hanging out with him and both are having same interests and it made it easier for both of them to start conversations and admire the other close since both are in love.

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