10k celebration

669 14 23

memes bc i want to take a break from writing even tho i jus started up again😅


linh: *smiles*
linh: *hums*
linh: *walks*
linh: *blinks*
linh: *drinks water*
linh: *legit just exists*
marella: gosh would you just quit that! some of us are trying to be straight here!

sophie, age 13: i think i'm having a midlife crisis
forkle: but you're only like 13
sophie: and i could die at 26! you never know, and i've lived longer than i thought already

glimmer: the floor is lava!
reynn: *helps sophie onto the table*
ruy: *shoves sophie off the table*
tam: *lays down to make sure sophie doesn't touch the floor*
glimmer: as you can see, there are three types of lovers-

reynn introducing her new girlfriend to the gang: so this is my girlfriend sophie, and her boyfriend tam, and his girlfriend glimmer, and her boyfriend alvar, and his sister biana, and her brother fitz, and his boyfriend dex—oh would you shut up we all see the sexual tension—and his girlfriend marella, and her girlfriend linh—tam's sister—and her boyfriend wylie, and his best friend stina and her mortal enemy ruy, and his best friend keefe.

looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: ruy, alvar, reynn
looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: marella, biana, stina
looks like a cinnamon roll and actually is a cinnamon roll: keefe, linh, dex, glimmer, wylie
looks like they could kill you and actually can kill you: sophie, tam
is a ding-dong(one of those twinkie things): FITZ VACKER

linh eating a cinnamon roll:
marella appearing out of legit nowhere: cannibalism
keefe in the back of the room: ill let you mess with my hair if marella doesn't break up with you and get together with linh by the end of the month
dex, not taking the insult: you're so on!

tam: small things are angrier because their bodies can't handle all the rage
biana: ooh like chihuahuas
fitz: snapping turtles
linh: sophie
sophi: i-
tam: no. ur girlfriend 💀 i'm gonna go hide now

wylie: what is she talking about
sophie: it's really not that big a deal-

sophie: the risk i took was very calculated
ruy: we almOsT DiED!!
sophie: didn't say i was good at math
ruy: bUt We'Re ElVeS!!

linh: bonjour mare! voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
mare: um...you can sleep with me when i'm single
linh: is that what it means. i knew i shouldn't have trusted sophie

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