1: New student

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just me

Intrusive thoughts

thinking to the voice in his head




Denkitty pov:

   Today is a new day. A. New. Day. yesterdays sleep, but a new day. But it's all the same, isn't it? you're gonna get beat, hate yourself. check in for lunch. you amount to nothing with your monotone cycle, stupid. Shut up. just. nevermind. New day, new day. Staring at the ceiling is fun. A perfectly docile way to calm myself. No hurting. No being hurt. Paradise. As close as a faggot like you deserves. you don't deserve it but people are kind to you, like a stray. Groaning, I get out of bed as quietly as I can. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious. SHUT UP what do you like better than me telling you you're worthless or me being funny? fine. Walking to the bathroom I decided to shower. As the cold water numbs my skin, leaving me incapable of thought, I wash my hair leaving it a piss color until it dries. Turning off the water and getting out, I avoid looking in the mirror because that never ends well. NEVER. After dressing I go to my room and check the time. 5:53 a.m. Time to wake the kids. 

  Ankoku and Inei share a room while Yua and Ahmya share a room. I get my own room for malicious intent. Not fun but I get privacy. Waking Inei is always horrid. Same with Yua. The twins are morning people so they're easy enough. "Hey, budds. Wake up" dodging a pillow to the face after giving Inei a shake, I'm met by a half-asleep walking man. Progress. By now Ankoku is standing behind me with a devious grin. Launching himself onto my back with a grin, I catch him and flop him backward onto his bed before walking to the girl's room.
  Giving Ahmya a nudge she yawns quietly before hugging me. "Hi honey, how did you sleep," I say in a motherly tone. "good, I dreamed I had a kitten," she says in a reply. So adorable. "That's great, honey. but now you have to get ready for school, and I have to wake up Yu-Yu" I say calling Yua by her nickname.

  After another 30 seconds or so, Ahmya releases me and I walk to Yua. "Yua" I coo repeatedly until she stirs. As she groans, I pick her up and hold her like a toddler on my hip. As she slowly wakes up, rubbing her eyes and yawning I tell her to get ready for school. In many ways, Yua is an old soul. She is already using big brain words like malice. Who teaches kids that? I've had to attend two parent-teacher conferences to discuss where she learned things like that. I just said she loves reading and learned those words from books. I gave her a mini dictionary for her birthday and knew this would be the outcome. Every day on my way to drop them off at school I read to her. We're currently reading the silence of the lambs series.

  This week Yua made a new friend. Ahmya is shy, while Ankoku keeps people in line when she is being bullied and whatnot. Inei is the only one who goes to a different school, so I taught him to fight. When he is old enough he will excel at heroism. A kind heart, not driven by emotions is priceless. All the kids are like that. Ahmya is almost like Tamaki Amajiki. Shy with incredible power. I wish I were old enough for legal custody of the kids. 

  Wishes aren't so flexible though.  When I can finally have custody over them I will take them, but until then I can only protect them.  Snapping out of my thoughts, I head downstairs to make the kids breakfast. Opening up the cabinets we have minimum food, so I need to go shopping today. Maybe I can get everyone a few toys. Maybe Mein Kampf for Yua too. That child is incredible, fucked but incredible.

Toshititos POV(like tostitos but toshi)

  It's four in the fucking morning and I've gotten minimal sleep. Why does god hate me? Can't anyone else be ✨blessed✨ by insomnia? No? Great. Getting up I decide human hygiene is a necessity and shower. Feeling hot water flow down my back is phenomenal. The feeling of stress and tension leaving me is even better. The feeling of Papa yelling at me to get out of the shower is mid.  Yes. FEELING. 

{~SMILE~}Depressed Denki x Shinsou (ShinKami/KamiShin)Where stories live. Discover now