10: "Fuck This Shit"

252 5 7

just me

Intrusive thoughts

thinking to the voice in his head




I ran out of ones for normal thoughts soooooo. Thoughts


I take one final glance at the stars before closing my eyes and pushing myself over the edge.


Aizawa Povvvvv

I saw him jump before I could move. As hard as I could try- as fast as I was- I was too slow. I saw the child jump. I raced to the edge and used my scarf as fast as possible to catch the unidentified being. I was with denki when Mic called. Mic was hurt, and he was sent home so I decided to cover his patrol. I was passing the Skyside building when I caught a glimpse of a figure on top. As I got closer I could see an ember, before a cigarette butt fell. I made my way up immediately because something seemed off.

I made my way to the roof and silently closed the door behind me. As I made my way forward, I saw the person finish another cigarette before looking up at the sky. As more of him is revealed, I see blonde hair and I see a streak glistening. I suspect she's crying, but dont worry too much as there is a bag near and various contents spread around. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I take a step forward, but when I open my eyes the person is falling. I race to the edge and before he can hit the ground he hits the safety of my scarf.

 As I slowly bring him up I get a clearer view of his face. Denki... I recognize his face and my heart drops. He's so happy though. My mind searches for some kind of excuse, something to prove it was nothing but a mistake. Nothing. After pulling him up, he immediately gets up and sits on the edge again. "Why?" He questions so softly I have to strain my ears to hear him. Unable to fathom his question, I respond with a quiet "Why what?" He hesitates for a minute before turning around. His face breaks my heart. His face is red, eyes puffy from crying.

"Why would you save me?" He says, his voice getting louder before breaking. I gaze at the broken boy before I sit next to him and look out over the alleys and broken parts of the city. "Because I care about you," I say. He seems uncomfortable at this and I see him glance at his phone. "I- I have to go," He says, voice back to normal and cheery. "See you later, Sensei!" I turn and see him with a smile from ear to ear and his things are all in his bag, slung over his shoulder. His eyes betray his face and voice, so I wave and decide to follow him. I see him look around before backing up and running, before jumping off the edge of the building. Before I can react properly I see him land safely on the next building, which is only about 10 feet shorter than this one. 

I stealthily follow him as he travels roof to roof until we reach a small building. I stay hidden as he jumps down from the roof, hanging by a window and swinging inside in a swift motion. I figure the child got home safely and head home. I have to do a mental health day or a mask-making segment in class. I decide to do them both later and get what little sleep I can before readying myself for the school day. 

Denki Povv bc without him it wouldn't be shinKAMI lol

Mr. Aizawa catches me. Why is it that every time I near relief it's taken from me? I sit facing the slums of the city deciding what to do next. I decide to get my answer and ask 'Why' nothing more nothing less. So simple yet so complex. Sometimes if life hits you just right you get a brand new insight into this purgatory we call earth. This hell we call life. You look around and see the violence, the lies, the hurting, and those who hurt others. You see all the rotten cheats and murders. But sometimes if hits you just right, it's appealing. To harden and callous your heart, your emotions.  To hurt others instead of hurting yourself. 

It takes me only a few seconds for all this to run through my head before I turn to face Aizawa. As I was thinking he asked me to clarify my question. I do and he says he cares about me. Lies. I must become visibly uncomfortable or skeptical, but I give a small excuse and walk back. He had sat down beside me and was facing away from me. I had silently picked up my array of comfort and slung it over my shoulder. As I reach the door I judge the distance from the next building. I swiftly run forward and jump off the edge before my feet safely hit the next building.

I continue this process and it is obvious I'm being followed. I make it to my studio before dropping down into the window and closing it. After an hour has passed, I head to the nearest store to find hair dye. I buy two bottles and head back to the apartment before walking across the hall. I knock on the teal door, covered in rock music stickers and skulls. I knock thrice and Mari opens the door. She has flame-blue hair and a quirk that lets her control the rain. Her hero name is St0rm after X-men. She is working at a hair salon currently, so when I go to her asking her to help dye my hair she agrees. Mari is the only protector I have besides maybe Bakugo. She's like my older sister, and she's more family than the people I call my parents. 

It takes an hour, but by the time we're done my hair is exactly how I planned it. My heart is exactly how I wanted it. And the voice in my head is nothing but a hum. A simple memory of who I was at the beginning of the night.  I get ready for school and complete the outfit with a black choker with a lightning bolt. 

I walk into the classroom as the bell rings to start the day

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I walk into the classroom as the bell rings to start the day. I can feel the eyes of my peers and teacher on me as I take my seat and sit, legs crossed, and draw.  As the class progresses I keep a bored expression plastered on my face, and as the lunch bell rings "Kaminari, please stay back." I hear. Fuck. After the rest of the class leaves the room I respond "Yes, Teach?" I ask voice light, a smile- more of a smirk- plastered on my face. "As I said during the class, today will be a mental health day. Please roll up your sleeves." He says. That's what I get for not paying attention I guess.

I roll up my sleeves to reveal nothing. No scars. No cuts. Nothing. Just skin. Well. Not exactly. I figured after what happened he would probably check for self harm. So I busted out some fake skin patches. put a little concealer around the edges and bam. He nods before saying "You may go, please call in Shinso,"

it has been a minute. but its fine. Im about to add a little bit of ✨spice✨ like not the-  I forgotttt. denki is about to get wild

word count: 1277

{~SMILE~}Depressed Denki x Shinsou (ShinKami/KamiShin)Where stories live. Discover now