12: Glimmer

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just me

Intrusive thoughts

thinking to the voice in his head/ thoughts





"I want to join the LOV, I told you," I say.


Denki Povv, but it kinda goes to 3rd I guess bc I haven't properly written in... a while

Toga seems surprised which is natural. She leads me to a small couch in the corner of the room and tells me to sit down. She walks into the corner of the small room and stomps on the floor while yelling "Shiggy, get your ass in here," After she's done yelling she turns to me, all traces of urgency erased from her person. "I love your hair and the outfit," She beams. I mutter a quick thanks and after a bit more small talk Shigaraki shows up.

"What's up, Kid?" Shigaraki asks. Before I can answer Toga interrupts me and tells him. "He wants to join us!" She's so loud sometimes. It's almost obnoxious but not quite. It's what makes her so likable. Shut the fuck up, this isn't one of those Wattpad fanfictions stop being all informative and shit. Jesus Christ, Daiki you remind me of this time I read a fanfiction, and the main character had an older sister named Madi. What was she like? Charming? Down to earth?  Did she tell the main character only the truth she was too sensitive to realize alone? Actually, she was manipulative and abusive, and always had her panties in a bunch. KILL YOURSELF YOU STUPID TRAN-

At this, I stop concentrating on the thoughts in my head and focus back on the conversation at hand. Shigaraki and Toga are arguing about whether or not I'm a spy, Himiko saying I'm not, Shigaraki unsure.  "How can we be sure he's not-" Shigaraki started, getting cut off by an overly excited Toga. "But Shiggy," She says, stretching out the older man's name "I know him, and he wouldn't lie to me." She continues. Shigarakis's only response is a 'tsk' as he walks away and then returns a moment later with a devilish smile. "Prove it," he says pulling a handgun from his waistband and tossing it to the shorter man "If you want to be part of the LOV, you have to be ruthless. You have to be willing to do anything." Denki stands with the gun in hand, ready for Shigaraki to elaborate. "If this really is real," he gestures to Toga before continuing, "Shoot her." 

"Surely you don't mind," He asks, turning to her, "Do you?" She smiles with a glint of something unrecognizable in her eyes and shakes her head before Shigaraki lets out a low "Perfect." Before turning to the younger. 

"Shoot," Shigaraki says, looking Denki dead in the eye.

Denki looks at Toga, then at the gun, before dropping it and saying the words 'Door,' and 'Person,' covering his ears. Moments later, he saps the electricity out of the lights(Apparently he can do that now bc I'm the one writing this piece of crap haha), and Shigaraki and Toga fall silent and watch. He slowly makes his way to the door and hides himself just before a disheveled child opens the door. "Hello, is there anybody here?" She calls, voice small and scared. When she gets no response she moves into the room, and feels around the wall until coming in contact with a light switch, flipping it to no avail. 

When she sees the lights don't work, she sticks her hand out, and a bright light radiates from her palm. She looks around, notices the blond boy, and starts to shriek. He quickly approaches her, covering her mouth, before sending a volt of electricity into her neck, temporarily paralyzing her. He moves the young girl, who appeared to be about 10 or so, to the room with Toga and Shigaraki before restoring the energy to the house. "Well done, Kid," Says Shigaraki, a smile hinting on his lips. "Now," He says, voice growing darker "Kill her."

"What?" Denki asks, not believing the words he just heard.

"I will give you three tasks. If you complete all three I will allow you t join," Shigaraki says "Task number one, kill the girl." Denki takes a look at the girl. I can't kill a little girl. She looks to be about Ahmya's age. Oh just suck it up, pussy riot. You asked for this. You signed up for this. Follow through. You're right. I have to. 

With that he sends a volt of electricity into the child's neck, stopping her heart in under a minute. "Are you satisfied?" Denki asks Shigaraki, voice cold. "Very." He says maliciously "Now, shoot Toga." Denki looks at Toga for a moment, analyzing her expression. She didn't seem scared or worried, instead, she appeared to be excited. He looked at the gun that he had dropped for a moment before reaching down to pick it up. He pondered for a moment whether or not she would care, before deciding that he was the one who didn't.  He glanced at the gun once more, before quickly raising it. "In the heart," Shigaraki adds. Denki adjusts the position of the gun to aim at her heart before firing. 

"Not bad kid," Shigaraki says. "I didn't expect you to shoot, but I blanked it just in case. Good thing too, you would have killed her dead." Toga smiles before running to denki with an ear-to-ear grin. 

"Task number three, what is it?" Denki asks lightly. Both Toga and denki look at Shigaraki "Come back tomorrow and it will be ready. We'll be robbing a bank."  Shigaraki says, "Now go away. Toga will tell you when." He adds. Before walking away. Denki takes that as a signal to leave, giving Toga a slight side hug in the process. 

Checking his phone, the time reads 3:45p.m and the kids get out of school in 45 minutes. "I have to go. Bye, slice n dice." He says, moving towards the door and putting the mask and hat back on before starting the journey back to his father's house. After a brief run home, he climbs into his window and changes out of his brand-new costume. After he walks downstairs and is confronted by his father. 

His father's only greeting is a sharp slap to the face before he turns and walks into the living room. "Bring me a beer, bitch." He calls as he turns on the tv. Denki walks to the fridge silently and brings him a bottle, but the older man Is already asleep. Denki walks out the door and to the children's school quickly.

"Hey babes," He calls to the four, earning smiles from the children. "How about," he starts "we go for a fun day?" The kids all seem thrilled, as they jump up and down.

Im thinking a fluff chapter for the next one for the emotional strain I'm putting on this man. Sorry for the slow updatesss

peace love n joy

stay salty

elliott out 


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